I'm a 20 yr CT and xray technologist.....I knowTwo words : Shit Happens
I find this to be an interesting conversation. We are engaging in risk by choice and discussing how to mitigate failure. I personally take great care to not fail. I prefer to accept the risk, as serious as it is, and make choices to avoid failure. I've been hunting wilderness areas in Alaska for a very long time. I've harvested four Roosevelt elk out of the S. Etolin island wilderness. I've been dropped off Solo in the Tebenkoff Bay wilderness with a Kayak on Kuiu island. I've hunted the coastal brown bear in the Admiralty island national monument. I've ran a boat deep up the Chickamin river almost to Canada in the Misty Fiords. I've been dropped in the S. POW wilderness with an inflatable and backpacked deep into the mountains. I've hiked deep into the Brooks after Dall sheep. All these trips are DIY and there's more. I've never carried all this catastrophic failure medical equipment because I make decisions based off the fact that failure happens.
I'm always doing risk analysis.
It's easy to sit back and call me a fool. It's much more difficult to maintain the level of skill and proficiency that staying focused and injury free has required. I will continue to take risk as I see fit. Rock on gentlemen and I hope that your journey is a safe one.
Remember, Styles make fights!
My style is as outlined above and it's my choice and someday I may enjoy a good death be it a glorious plane wreck or brown bear chomp
And I just completed a long difficult remote chainsaw milling job of two yellow cedar, no tourniquet or clotting stuff. All my appendages are intact.
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