Upcoming reloading shortages

I have a friend who reloads some - he buys a tiny amount of reloading components. Uses them up - then buys when he is completely out. Then, he is amazed that prices are high or what he needs is not available. Not me.
Won't be any more of a shortage than there already is. Buy what you think you need, then just sit back and not worry.

Winchester has promised prices would go up next year. So get ready for that.
I’m only in my 30s and my kids won’t run out of reloading stuff. I saw the writing on the wall back in 2016-17 and started buying cheap and stacking deeeeep when it was dirt cheap. Every 2 weeks bought a brick of primers and lb of powder for 4 years. We’re good now.

Same with 22lr. I don’t even wanna know how much I bought since it’s the main one I shoot. Would just buy a case at a time every week and stock it in a safe.
I can’t imagine prices or availability getting worse. I would wager both issues will improve starting in January if not sooner.
All thanks to fear mongering
I loaded up on components years ago. It had nothing to do with fear, or what political administration was in office. I've never bought right wing "the sky is falling" rhetoric. I found it simpler to buy in bulk knowing I'd have what I wanted in the future when prices would inevitably rise, and what I want could be more difficult to find. Call it prescient thinking if you will, I just found it prudent thinking, and so it's proved to be.
This thread prompted me to do inventory last night and order 5lbs of powder to sync up with primers and projectiles I already had.

If others are doing the same or getting stuff they don’t have an immediate need for are we creating shortages?
This thread prompted me to do inventory last night and order 5lbs of powder to sync up with primers and projectiles I already had.

If others are doing the same or getting stuff they don’t have an immediate need for are we creating shortages?
To insulate themselves from tariffs, all sorts of companies are stocking up and packing warehouses as we speak, actually they started months ago.

Shipping numbers of inbound freight TEU’s (20’ equivalent units) shows a lot more freight than normal has been ordered. This years numbers spiked about the time Kamala took over - many people making purchase decisions didn’t believe she was electable.
Normal to see cycles like this. When prices are high less hoarding is going on. Stuff is out there for the most part, you just need to pay the price to get it. Just a few days ago I walked into our local Sportsman Warehouse and bought 1500 Federal 210 primers.
To insulate themselves from tariffs, all sorts of companies are stocking up and packing warehouses as we speak, actually they started months ago.

Shipping numbers of inbound freight TEU’s (20’ equivalent units) shows a lot more freight than normal has been ordered. This years numbers spiked about the time Kamala took over - many people making purchase decisions didn’t believe she was electable.
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Some of that spike was due to the port strike a few weeks ago. We did the same preemptively, so we didn't disrupt our supply chain.
Well I personally hope all these cease fires flood the market with surplus components and ammo, I miss buying primers for 40 bucks a brick.
Well I personally hope all these cease fires flood the market with surplus components and ammo, I miss buying primers for 40 bucks a brick.
Those days will never come back. With consumers buying them for 100-150 a brick the manufactures know that and prices will only go up. Same with vehicles. Prices will only increase over time.
I would like to see someone do a financial analysis on stock piling reloading components 10 years ago versus sticking that money on the stock market in an index fund.
I would like to see someone do a financial analysis on stock piling reloading components 10 years ago versus sticking that money on the stock market in an index fund.
I'm certain about zero people have done that. :)
I would like to see someone do a financial analysis on stock piling reloading components 10 years ago versus sticking that money on the stock market in an index fund.
We do not even know if the components would even be available for sale in 10 years.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Life is good and stress free when the powder and primer shelves are well stocked.
I've noticed prices coming down along with better availability.
Seeing CCI 250 primers in the $85 range and free Hazmat shipping. Local GS I was in yesterday had a large stack of CCI 250 for $99.
It was 6 months ago you hardly seen them online and were $120/brick and gone in 1 minute.
I've seen them still available sever hrs later online the last couple weeks.
Fingers crossed the buying slowes up now that we should have a 4 year term of friendly 2A times. That should help prices drop. Supply and demand.