Anyone have a Dog with Liver shunt?


Jul 3, 2022
Northwest Montana
The wife’s Basset hound puppy developed a liver shunt issue at 4 months old and looks to require surgery now at 6 months. Dog seems to have 2 good days then a really bad day where he goes total zombie mode, blindness, puking, won’t eat. Then the cycle repeats. We’ve found what we think is the right diet and Nausea meds for him to hold down food and to be close to normal those 2 good days by working with our local trusted vet. We have an iodine MRI test to see if the shunt is before the liver and more operable than within the liver where it’s a negative outlook. Then the procedure to repair to follow from the specialist if possible.

Would be curious if anyone has ever had any experience with this k9 surgery and would be willing to share any experience or advice. It sounds like a pretty rare thing, but know we have a lot of folks on here.

And before anyone asks, yes this surgery will most likely cost 3 bows, 2 rifles, a shotgun, and a tank of Diesel. But I’ve leaned to keep my mouth shut on my more traditional ways with her dogs. You don’t mess with Mama’s dogs… My working dogs would be a whole different story. Anyway thanks
Hey, experienced the same thing with one of our Maltese. Yes, not afraid to share I have cute little dogs, they’re excellent dogs and wouldn’t give them up for the world.

Anyway, our first dog Taco had a liver shunt diagnosed at about 6-months. We did a special diet for a month or two and ultimately did the surgery. Thankfully, we had pet insurance which covered 90% of the cost but it was still an initial cash outlay of $10K before insurance reimbursed. 100% worth it, Taco is the best dog ever, a true companion and my little bro. Loves camping, being a dirt dog, rolling in the truck, etc. He’s now 5 and thriving, with a successful surgery there’s very little likelihood for any follow-up issues. He had a bit of recovery but within a few months was totally fine.

We are particular with our dogs diets, they eat organic chicken drums, steel cut oats, pumpkin and then we supplement probiotics & a vitamin mix to give them a balanced diet.

It’s a big expense but I felt like it was worth it to give him a full and happy life. He’s laying by my feet as I write this, just a good little dude.

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Ver weighing in.

Shunts are more common than you think. I’d assume that your young basset most likely has the full blown shunt, rather than micro vascular dysplasia if he’s showing that severe of signs at that age. Much more common for small breed dogs, however.

All mammals shunt blood away from the liver in utero as mom is already processing toxic metabolites with her liver. At birth, the shunt should regress and turn into a ligament for normal animals. His didn’t so his liver isn’t able to process toxic metabolites.

If your vet isn’t prescribing already, he should be receiving Lactulose, metronidazole, SAMe. An older dog, I would recommend a low protein diet like Hill’s LD but that’s tricky with such a young puppy. Needs protein to grow, but that same protein doesn’t get metabolized by liver from ammonia to urea and compounds the Neuro signs you see at home

From a long term perspective, if you don’t do the procedure, he’ll have a short life span. Those meds listed above can prolong life, but eventually the long term effects will get him

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Have pug with it. He’s had it two years now. Special diet with some medicine. He’s been fine ever since we found out what it was. His head use to roll back like he wasn’t all there. Then he was processed and would walk around the house all nigh like he was going insane. Vet didn’t recommend the surgery.