unit 95 Grizz attack



Feb 27, 2012
as far as the glock.. which imo is the most reliable semi in 10mm on the market… can you imagine trying to shoot with a lap full of pissed off momma grizz? Im sure there was funky angles and limp wristing … the wherewithal to clear the jam and dump one into her head is amazing. My guess this guy had some training.
Jan 15, 2016
mike.adams - revolvers don't jam huh? bullshit! ive hunted with revolvers for 30 years and have some of the best custom revolvers money can buy as well as 6 FA revolvers, many smiths and rugers......for a total of around 40 revolvers of very high quality and around 20 semi-auto's with 9 being custom 1911's with 2 of those from Wilson Combat. They all have the possibility of jamming or FTF and for a variety of reasons. perhaps you need to shoot yours more often vs fondling it, to experience that. in bear country during archery or hiking my factory glock 40 in 10mm would be with me even though i have some very powerful revolvers. more ammo in a mag and the ease of reloading another full mag if required is paramount. when i am hunting with a handgun, then i want the revolver as it's the law in most states.
I didn't say revolvers don't jam, I said mine never jammed. I'll stick with what has worked for me, you espouse your vast knowledge of handguns. I don't need a guy from Pennsylvania lecturing me on bear protection.
Mar 22, 2024
any semi-auto handgun or rifle can jam for a variety of reasons and has nothing to do with the reliability of the handgun or the ammo..just one example is limp-wristing the handgun. even the best handgun can jam. knowing how to quickly clear the jam and get another round in battery is what separates the critic from the expert.
Clearing jams is not something I’d want to be doing while trying to defend myself against a grizzly attack, but we all have different levels of risk tolerance.