Unit 53/63 hot spots for the taking- I'll never go back

slick trick

Sep 9, 2015
anybody going in next year give me a shout i can give ya some really good spots gps cords on major wallows and bedding shelfs, 2 kills spots and a spot for bear. I have tore my ankle and arches out of a foot so bad that i will never be able to hike back in with weight again so my loss is your gain, but the spots i have are not for the weak , they are dangerous to get you better have your s*** together or something bad could happen, like not having any water for 16 hours
also this info will do you know good unless you are willing to go in on foot from one direction about 4-5miles, or horse about7miles from other direction.if you go in the foot side you better have 3-4 guys with you cause most of the way back out is climbing your way out very little level ground hence the ankle damage.
Damn Slick, you shoulda auctioned em off, or had a time limit or sumn. I am always down for new places but dont wanna sing kumbaya with Roksliders on your kill spots next year either :)
ok guys iam done cut off has hit its limit.. i had about 20 pms, the ones that got back to me and i told them they where in will get info in email,-jmsdad-dromsky-wapiti66-jon boy- felix40- gelton, thats 6 guys that i am going to share hard earned info about a area that i spent this season in. I know some of you are going to be pissed with me but i dont care, i never asked anybody on here for spots but am willing to share a sweet little spot, if it helps someone get them a animal so be it.. I hunt because i want to and love it, every minute of it, even if tore my foot up. So if this helps to bring in another hunter and he helps another hunter and so on we are just helping each other to keep doing what we love, remember we are supposed to be teaching others and bringing them to this passion we all love.
Very cool.. I had a guy from my home town share a spot in Colorado about 15 years ago. We went over the maps and logistics- my son who was 16 at the time and I headed out. My son shot his 1st bull in that spot! The hunter who gave it to me started hunting Idaho and was getting older. He figured he could only do guided trips so he shared it to a DIY hunter..
Did anybody ever make it out there? Reports? Going to 63 with my dad and grandpa this fall for the first time (they've been out a few times)
Slick, Really sad to hear about your ankle. That’s just horrible. I have given my knowledge of good spots to other people too. You are good guy. I hate that it will keep you out of your hard earned spots.