Unit 23/Kotzebue

I always figured the guys dressed in camo on their flights and walking around town had some kind of virus...
Leaving San Antonio Monday afternoon it will be 102*, and I will be wearing shorts, t-shirt and sandals. In that attire I will probably cause the locals to send the guys in white coats to pick up the "nut" case.
Leaving San Antonio Monday afternoon it will be 102*, and I will be wearing shorts, t-shirt and sandals. In that attire I will probably cause the locals to send the guys in white coats to pick up the "nut" case.
Or the state bird will get you when you land! 🦟

Going to have the AC store deliver groceries to the hangar. Just trying to figure a grocery list for 3 guys ain't very easy.
We are flying everything except our white gas and salt for capes and we are not renting any gear. The $50 extra for a checked bag is cheaper than the inflated prices of groceries in Kotz. It cost me $84 for 16oz of fuel and 20lbs of salt. I am able to fit 30lbs of gear in my carry on which is basically all of my glass, electronics, tripod, rangefinder etc.
We are flying everything except our white gas and salt for capes and we are not renting any gear. The $50 extra for a checked bag is cheaper than the inflated prices of groceries in Kotz. It cost me $84 for 16oz of fuel and 20lbs of salt. I am able to fit 30lbs of gear in my carry on which is basically all of my glass, electronics, tripod, rangefinder etc.
I called the AC store yesterday and was told a canister of propane was $8-9. Pretty pricey but necessary.
Does anybody know where I can pick up some fuel for my JetBoil and have delivered. I see the AC store has propane. Will that work? I’ve never used anything but the JetBoil canisters with mine. With things being like they are in town I just want to go straight to my transport service.

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Our transporter told us to call the hardware store and pay over the phone, have the fuel delivered to them with our name and hunt dates on them. Thats the route we went.
Its easy to be critical of what things cost in Kotz and I have said that many times but you guys need to understand a few things
1- The closest road is 550 miles away by jet
2-Kotz gets 2 barges a year
3-Everything else comes in on a cargo plane..

The cost of transportation drives the high prices in Bush Alaska plain and simple. A good friend of mine use to say this..."If you can't afford the price you don't deserve the goods"!
Just got home from Kotz. The locals were nothing but friendly. We walked all over town and went into many of the local businesses. Just wear a mask and be respectful. Its a cool little town with some great restaurants and stuff.
Flying home from Kotzebue now. We had no issues with locals. I posted elsewhere about my scope issue, but that as likely happened in Seattle as Kotz. We didn’t do a lot of walking around and did get some strange looks, even in street clothes. Everyone we interacted with was nice. Food was really good at several of the restaurants with generous servings, don’t order an appetizer for a small group.

We donated some meat to the local nursing home through a friend of one of our hunting group that works there. They were really appreciative she said, wanted her to thank us.

The owner of the house we stayed in was extremely nice and helpful, we parted as friends after a few hours of visiting and a few drinks.

Had a good overall experience, I will go back.
I’ve hunted out of Kotz more than any other area of the state, including my own neck of the wood on the Kenai. I love the countryside up there and over the last 15 years have taken some nice moose. My father in law guided up there for over 20 years before retiring—had to have a kidney removed due to cancer and just couldn’t pack moose like he used to. He still goes along when he can as we have friends that operate a transporters/outfitters up there, separate companies but fly with and for each other as much as not. One lives there year round with his family. Yes there are folks up there that don’t like out of towners. There are those that specifically do not like white people, and of those that have distaste for outsiders, what they seem to like the least are white outside hunters. As long as I’ve gone up there always been told to try to avoid walking around town in camo. Most the time I wear solids in town, hell, even in the field most the time these days. But even in some of my earlier trips, where I wore camo and walked around, I never personally experienced anyone taking issue with me or who I was with.

I understand it happens, but likely the same as Facebook/Forum tough guys, real harm is probably far less in reality. Still good to be mindful of.

as for cost of items in Kotz, yepper, everything is expensive. Same with any other village you will visit. I’ve always made it a point to try and spend money locally within reason. I’ll bring most food/supplies, but also try to frequent restaurants when in town for breakfast more than anything (typically have dinners with friends at their houses when in town), most years I’ll also stop in the artist coop, and usually always forget a few things or camp comforts triggering a visit or three to the AC store. Never bought one of their $25 soccer ball sized watermelons but have happiky paid the premiums for many other things.

Its a unique place and the countryside amazing, so worth a visit and would enjoy seeing at least a little of the town being mindful some might not like it, but oh well. Many, many more will prove kind and courteous.