Unfamiliar with Dillon Dies. 45 ACP


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
guy gave me a set of 45 ACP Dies since i hadnt been able to find any at the time.
I normally use 3 piece carbide dies from RCBS so these Dillons are a little different to me and not sure how to set these up. Got the Deprime die figured out and the seater die but the one that flares the case looks to me like it is missing parts but im a little unsure.
anyone by chance give me a run down on these dies?
Dec 29, 2016
Reno, NV
guy gave me a set of 45 ACP Dies since i hadnt been able to find any at the time.
I normally use 3 piece carbide dies from RCBS so these Dillons are a little different to me and not sure how to set these up. Got the Deprime die figured out and the seater die but the one that flares the case looks to me like it is missing parts but im a little unsure.
anyone by chance give me a run down on these dies?

The die that flares the case mouth also attaches to the Powder Charge. I would call Dillon and they will set you up. The problem with your questions are that you don't even know what you don't know, leading to not knowing at all and not even knowing what to ask for about what you don't know... you know what I mean?

Good luck sport!!
Aug 26, 2013
New Orleans, La.
You might have to use your RCBS die to flare the mouth of the case. As he ^^^^ said ^^^^, the Dillon uses the charging station to flare the mouth of the case while you are raising the ram to dump the powder (both operations are done at the same station). This is if you are using a Dillon progressive loader. If you are using a single station press, you will have to use your RCBS die, and you could prime the case at the same stage after you expand the mouth of the case.
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Jan 14, 2021
The die that flares the case has to have the proper sized funnel and to have the powder assembly attached to the top of it to stop the funnel (that flares the mouth) from traveling up. You set how far the funnel travel upwards to set your case flare amount.