For many recent years, I hunted black bears in the spring on the snow-slides of a valley up here. I've taken a good number of black bears with a handloads are a 100grn TSX pushing pretty darn close to 3600fps. Waiting for a good broadside shot and putting that bullet in the heart/lung area has just drilled them. Had one 6.5 footer immediately drop in place when hit and never moved was like someone unplugged him. All of them died with one shot, except a 7+ footer that needed a second shot when I walked up to him...he wanted a piece of me!
I've never recovered a bullet with that penetrates, expands and exits. That was even true for one less than ideal friend wounded his bear on his first shot, and it immediately took-off, running directly away from us...the only shot I had was right up the ass...the bullet traveled the length of his body, exited his chest and he was DRT.