"Truck" gun AR pistol - LAW folder, bag choice, etc.


Apr 8, 2018
I routinely carry a "regular" pistol but have been leaning towards also carrying one of my AR pistols with me in my car. I've got one that is 27" long when the stock is collapsed (no debates please about ATF, braces, SBRs, etc.), which is a bit on the long side to fit next to my leg, and to carry inside somewhere (see below). It is 11" tall from optic to the bottom of a 30 round magazine, and 9.75" to the bottom of the grip (I might switch to a 20 round magazine - at least for the first one in the pistol).
  1. Folder? I'm thinking of adding a folder, such as the LAW tactical. That will reduce the length to just under 20" when folded. Still a bit longer than I would like, but my primary concern is reliability if I make that change. Anyone use this or others who can comment? I am aware that I can't/shouldn't shoot with the stock folded, at least with the LAW Tactical model.
  2. Bag for carry? I'd like the option to take the AR pistol with me when I leave my car - without being too obvious, and ideally without having to break it down. I've looked at the Vertx Commuter Sling 2.0 (might be a bit short), the Sneaky Spyder (may need to switch to 20 round mag) and the Elite Survival Stealth SBR backpack. I'm leaning towards a sling, but maybe that looks more tactical/obvious than a backpack? I'd want no more space than to hold the AR pistol, maybe a regular pistol, some extra 30 round mags, and a blowout kit.
  3. Hide in car? Normally I carry my regular pistol from my car when I'm able to do so. Sometimes I'm unable to carry, so I reluctantly leave my pistol in the car. (Yes, it might get stolen, but I view the pistol as a tool - and a theft isn't the end of the world.) Doing the same with the AR is a bit more troubling to me, especially due to cost should it get lifted. Mulling over how best to hide it in the car when I have to leave it. Trunk is an option, especially if in a "tennis racket bag" or otherwise covered in other junk. I can load it into my trunk from the inside of my car. If I leave it in the bag, black would be a good color choice to make it harder to see. FWIW, I've never (knock wood) had anything taken from my car, and I routinely park in a secure garage (work and home) - but I can't say the same when running errands, etc.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi FRIEND. Here's what I have in the truck. 10.5" heavy barrel with vortex flash hider. I keep a black sock over it. Stock is a BMC, not folding. GunVault AR safe is screwed to the floor under the back seat to keep it from moving around. Locked safe away from the kids and cabled to the seat post, not exactly theft proof but safer than a bag.

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When traveling far from home I throw my scar h into an old double tennis racket bag. Plenty of room for rifle on one side and mags on the other. I put it under the rear seat on my truck if I have to leave it for a bit and cross my fingers.
Got a quizzical look once as I sat it down in a hotel lobby. Think it was the magazines rattling around that made a non tennis racket noise ...or that there were no tennis courts around.
I have a law folder. It’s a solid meh. It rattles like the dickens and just feels kinda chinsy. On the other hand love the maxim collapsible brace. Thing is rock solid I prefer the brace model to even there standard stock model. I shot both side by side on similar 5.56, .300 BO and 9mm PDWs.

the law tactical adds length to the rear to fold so the OAL between the two is negligible
I have a law folder. It’s a solid meh. It rattles like the dickens and just feels kinda chinsy. On the other hand love the maxim collapsible brace. Thing is rock solid I prefer the brace model to even there standard stock model. I shot both side by side on similar 5.56, .300 BO and 9mm PDWs.

the law tactical adds length to the rear to fold so the OAL between the two is negligible
Went to my LGS and was persuaded to go with the Maxim, in large part because of the Law folder being open and could catch debris and concerns over the long-term reliability of the folder to withstand the beating. Now on to another quest - a similar pistol build that won't require permission for out-of-state travel....