Trouble Duck Calling (Please Help LOL)


Jun 6, 2019
From a different perspective...A buddy of mine was given a meat hanger to him from his son for Christmas. Straight out of the box, that call would not blow. The guy is not a great caller, but good enough. A new reed and a couple snips later, I had it running fine. So, it's probably rookie error/learning, but it's possible that it needs a tune. Ask someone who knows how to call, to blow it and see.


Jul 14, 2020
There's so many instructionals out there available on youtube and call company websites; it may take a while to find a technique variation/teaching instruction method that works for you, but once you find it, it comes together pretty quick. For me it was an old time gunner from eastern MN that taught me like this:

"to get a quack from a call, imagine you have a blow gun to your lips. I want you to vocalize the air coming from your diaphragm, and finish with a "K" like the dart struck home. "Whiiick" "Whaaack." etc."

Don't worry about speed until you can blow a clean quack. Then after you've got a clean 3-7 not hail, you can play around with adding some attitude, squeals, more ducks & social/feeding sounds.