I was all excited to do this, now that I've tried it, I don't know what to think.
I have an RRS tripod and ball head. the ballhead I have has arca rail clamp, of course, but also has a pic rail clamp integrated into it so you can use either arca rail or pic rail on your rifle. I also have the RRS Vyce. Been going back and forth with different rifles and different combinations of ways to attach to the ball head. Also have a piece of wood with a pic rail bolted to the bottom, and use padding stuff on top of the wood to make a sort of shooting rest or shooting table thingie. That wood clamps nice and snug into the ball head, rock solid. So, in summary, I can shoot with rail to the ball head, clamped into Vyce, or rested. Rifles tried with all this include 357 lever (Vyce and rest), 30-30 lever (Vyce and rest), Japanese T99 7.7x58 war rifle (Vyce and rest), X-Bolt 270 Win (Vyce and rest), and 223 AR (pic rail and Vyce and rest). Shooting off concrete shooting range platform (floor of shooting pavilion).
Surprisingly, the rifle rested (on the padded piece of wood) seems to be about as good as it gets for my accuracy across these platforms. Except Vyce slightly better than rested for the 357 lever. Maybe I'd get better results with shooting off of grass or gravel instead of concrete, but with the 30-30, 7.7x58, and 270 Win, and even the 223 AR-15 I get so much rocking back of the tripod and leg bounce with each shot with the Vyce or with the AR locked in via the pic rail. I don't know if that is affecting my accuracy, probably is affecting accuracy of each shot, but certainly affects repeatability of the shot strings. After each shot, I have to re-position the tripod legs and re-aim/adjust the ball head for the next shot. I'm not comfortable using that Vyce with the Japanese rifle. The stocks on those rifles can not take much shock/recoil, but the rest of the rifles' stocks are probably fine. Maybe if I shoot off the grass I would not get so much bouncing around with each shot? Got to try that.
I know everyone says to put the arca rail on the rifle and clamp in. On the X-bolt Hunter, I'd be drilling into a nice walnut stock. I guess that's OK if the accuracy improves, but with all that jumping around of the whole set up with each shot, I don't know that it would be worth it. And, the rail would wind up being pretty far forward to clear the mag and the bottom metal. Definitely far forward of the balance point of the rifle. Has anyone ever mounted an arca rail to the bottom of a magazine (on the x-bolt they are "polymer" and fit in flush to the bottom of the rifle). Can't really disassemble an X-bolt magazine, well, you can disassemble but if you google it you'll see that they are impossible to reassemble. so, I'd have to JB Weld the arca rail to the magazine or something like that. Overall, that whole idea seems to be a dead end.
Anyway, as to your question, if you shoot a very light recoiling rifle, go ahead and try the RRS Vyce. It's like Orvis dog beds: Sure, other companies make dog beds, they're just not as good. Nobody makes a better clamp-vice thing that the RRS Vyce. But as for me, I am not so greatly pleased with the whole rail-clamped-into-the-ballhead or the Vyce clamp thing.