Tripod for western hunting?

Mar 7, 2020
Tripod worth the investment for western hunting or just shoot off a pack? If a tripod is worth it which one? I’m not looking spend RRS money. Looked at two vets a bit maybe paired with a anvil30. That’s close to $1k.
I’ve been going back and forth about this as well. Have been eyeing the Innorel tripods on Amazon. Spec wise they seem to be very similar to RRS but 1/3 the price.
May want to consider a bipod, can get some that are pretty lightweight and Myer standing is it in general they’re much cheaper than tripods you can shoot off of. Shooting off your pack also works, whatever you do just plan to practice it a lot before you go on your hunt.
If you use trekking poles the wiser precision quick-stix good work very well for you, cheap add onto something you may already have. Not quite as stable as a tripod, but much lighter and cheaper.
Tripods are worth their weight in gold even just for glassing out west. You seem to want to shoot off of it too, which yes they're also very worth it for. Much more useful than a bipod, though obviously more expensive.
Depends on what and where you’re hunting but, for me, I don’t know how you could hunt the west without a tripod (for glassing). No need to spend that kind of money either.
Fwiw I just use available terrain (tree, rock, etc.), pack or walking stick as available or as time permits. But my longest shot in 40 years of western hunting has been inside of 400 yards. I'm more of the philosophy of know where your rifle shoots to moderate range and be confident and well practiced within that range. I feel I've seen more missed opportunities hunting with others in getting a range, setting up their rifle, and dialing their scope than in blowing an opportunity trying to get closer to the animal and being able to get a relevatively quick shot off accurately from a variety of positions (including off-hand). No reason you can't be good at both though if longer shots are important to you! I like the simplicity of less "stuff" , but everyone's sweet spot on that is different as well. Good luck!
We have a PRST tripod and it is nice, only drawback made in Norway. Had to get feet for it sent from there and it took about 14 days but we got them.
Ebay has some decent CF tripods for less than 100 bucks. Watch the youtube drop tests and it will give you good idea of what's out there.
Precision Rifle Solutions tripods are a good value, quality, weight for hunting and a great company.
I pair their tripod to the Spartan Davros head for my rifles and optics. PM if you have questions.

Do NOT shoot offhand unless you've absolutely honed that craft. "Using the terrain" is great, until you bump a huge buck in a field of sage...good luck finding that illusive "tree" or "rock" to shoot off of.
Do NOT shoot offhand unless you've absolutely honed that craft. "Using the terrain" is great, until you bump a huge buck in a field of sage...good luck finding that illusive "tree" or "rock" to shoot off of.
Might be tough to set up a tripod in that situation anyways