Trekking poles, are they really that useful?

Just don't let Elknut know you are using them, he thinks we are all wimps for using them :)

i do just fine without them, im tall and athletic and feel i do pretty well....but the thought of really powering up a mountainside being able to use my upper body strength as well is really appealing.....especially when there is snow

I do well without them too, but you won't do as well when packing out 120 lbs or making an ascent in record time.....I promise!
I have never used them before. It's kind of funny that I got a set of Black Diamonds from my mom for Christmas, and a set of Leki's from my wife for Christmas this year. I thought about sending one set back, but decided what the heck, might as well try them both out. I'm looking forward to seeing how they work.
Hey Luke how do these work as your center pole if they only extend to 55"

Here ya go man. Here is some stud explaining it in this video WAY better than I could typing it out....

Luke I also purchased those trekking poles you mentioned thanks for the tip I will have them Friday....was going to purchase much more expensive ones but if those work that's good enough for me
Luke I also purchased those trekking poles you mentioned thanks for the tip I will have them Friday....was going to purchase much more expensive ones but if those work that's good enough for me

Right on man. They have worked for Becca and I for quite a while now, many miles, seasons, and animals packed out with these things. Might not work for everyone but they sure work well for me. One of the the added expenses of having your wife and your #1 hunting partner means everything you buy is twice as expensive as you have to buy 2 of everything, thus when we find stuff that works well for half price it is awesome!! :D
Always look for deals, I picked my poles up for $80 shipped from backcountry edge and everywhere else was selling them for $120-$130. Coupons and sales are awesome.
Thanks Luke for that video showing how to use the trekking poles, Thats how I'll be setting up my SL 5
For those with twist rather than flick lock ing poles, here's what I use. It includes one 18" section of tubular webbing and two heavy duty pieces of velcro. I put the tubular webbing over the tips of my poles, then wrap the webbing and poles in velcro just in front of where the baskets would go. This creates a very sturdy coupling.


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Just recieved the BD poles that Luke had posted and I am impressed so far. Seem like the best bang for the buck from what I have seen but I will use them this weekend and see after that.