Travel Restrictions and fees in the Infrastructure bill

Thinking out loud, here. With the decided push to convert to EVs over the next 10 years and, from an observation standpoint, we seem to be trending already as I’m seeing Teslas on an increasing basis, EV stocks are looking increasingly productive, and the technology is making leaps and bounds, what is to replace the eventual decreasing revenue from fuel taxes to maintain roads and highway infrastructure?

It seems apparent that demand for travel and transportation will only increase, thus creating more demand for higher quality roads and infrastructure, particularly with the advent of self driving vehicles, particularly trucks. Since EVs can be/will be charged at home for at least a significant percentage of use, there is no practical way to parse that energy consumption out from other usage to direct to road funding. If the prevailing sentiment is to rule out mileage tax, what is the proposed substitute to replace fuel taxes in a reality where fuel will face declining demand?
The recent infrastructure bill has 2700 pages that few have read nor understand.
Another massive bill proposed by the Democrats that, "We have to pass so we can find out what's in it"....

Who votes for these clowns anyway?

The last time we passed one of these massive bills nobody read it had all sorts of taxes and fees in there for obscure stuff. This is intentional....they bury these partisan politic items so the general public is oblivious.

Did everyone know that a huge part of the Biden Stimulus bill went to bailing out the Dem run cities and state gov's that through poor policy were almost bankrupt? The current admin is rewarding bad policy and bad behavior [crime] which is a prescription for disaster down the road.

The real problem is that fully 1/2 of US voters are idiots and they have no idea when it comes to fiscal responsibility.

Thinking out loud, here. With the decided push to convert to EVs over the next 10 years and, from an observation standpoint, we seem to be trending already as I’m seeing Teslas on an increasing basis, EV stocks are looking increasingly productive, and the technology is making leaps and bounds, what is to replace the eventual decreasing revenue from fuel taxes to maintain roads and highway infrastructure?

It seems apparent that demand for travel and transportation will only increase, thus creating more demand for higher quality roads and infrastructure, particularly with the advent of self driving vehicles, particularly trucks. Since EVs can be/will be charged at home for at least a significant percentage of use, there is no practical way to parse that energy consumption out from other usage to direct to road funding. If the prevailing sentiment is to rule out mileage tax, what is the proposed substitute to replace fuel taxes in a reality where fuel will face declining demand?
From what i understood the tax mileage thing was a voluntary program people could sign up for, not forced on the population. And states would be the implementors. but again, it was a voluntary program to see if it worked. I think the idea is collecting tax that will be lost from gas.

What concerns me was that one page talking about turning the vaccine chips on to cross borders…

everything is voluntary - at first.

Vaccines, anyone?
Seems weird that Rokslide would be in favor of gas/diesel powered vehicles paying for the roads while allowing EV and hybrids to use them for free/reduced contribution. Evidently, this group is much more altruistic and supportive of the carbon minimizing lifestyle than I realized. Next thing you know, we'll have a gluten free bake sale to send money to PETA...
I'll mess with them by mailing my cell phone to WA to a friends house and have him mail it back to me next day air and see if they can explain the mileage since i never left home
My wife chuckled when around 2012 I suggested that the USSA was going to monitor people's miles and driving real time to tax them. Well here we are.
She also doubted me when I suggested that we stockpile some rice and beans should the shelves be emptied for some national chaotic event.
Then covid hit and she had an awakening.

It hearkens to guys at this very forum who constantly defend the woke, progressive actions of politicians, all of which drag our country to hell one step at a time.
Like the frog happily floating in the pot of warm water they won't realize what they defended and furthered was complete totalitarian bulllshit until it's too late.
“As long as I have Public Land…”.
While cell phone GPS tracking is a possibility, better yet for the police state is plate scanners and data sifting. Tech is already widely deployed on toll roads now and many police agencies use it. Be a great way to "legitimize" plate scanners on all the US roadways.

Your bill, with thumbnail pics of your vehicle and license plate, will arrive by mail. Or when they take over crypto and digitize the dollar, they'll just kindly debit your account directly.
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Just a memory of a scene from a famous movie,

The "Hunt for Red October" the captain of the Soviet sub has a private conversation with his XO. They are discussing defection to the US and the XO says, "I would like to live in Montana. I can do that, yes?" The Captain agrees. "Well then I will live in Montana and raise rabbits and my fat wife will cook them for me. I will own a pick up truck and travel to Arizona each winter. I can do that? No permits no special papers?" The Captain agrees once again. "Maybe I will have a second wife in Arizona,"

This concept seemed unreal to the Soviet officers. I never thought much about it at the time. Now it appears our elected representatives are planning to take away one more liberty. I'm scared for my grandsons who will have to endure a constant attack on our freedoms. Are our leaders so blind, or are they complacent in this onslaught? Short term: I too own a vintage Landcruiser (1988) and may have to get it ready for some long distance travel.

I'm trying hard not to be a sheep. I have much to loose including health care, SS, retirement if I have to spend it all on defense lawyers. Should one piss off the wrong woke A-hole, what might I be facing? Being canceled, targeted by local, state, or federal officials drunk with power? I'm talking "civil disobedience" here, nothing criminal. The founders risked being hung by the British and they didn't roll over or quit. Never thought I might need to do a "risk assessment" on how one might be impacted for standing up for these rights that were granted to me at birth. I wish to remain worthy of my citizenship, and not be so complacent going forward.

I'm pro freedom and Anti-mandate

Seems weird that Rokslide would be in favor of gas/diesel powered vehicles paying for the roads while allowing EV and hybrids to use them for free/reduced contribution. Evidently, this group is much more altruistic and supportive of the carbon minimizing lifestyle than I realized. Next thing you know, we'll have a gluten free bake sale to send money to PETA...
Rokslide is the home of PETA.
Taxing EV's is simple. The EV has to have electricity to power it's charger, the vehicle knows how many KW's it has unless it was charged from a genset burning on road diesel, tax the KW's it has used.

The beautiful thing about this is it is linear to travel. If a prius and a blown big block both drive 10 miles in city traffic, which uses more road tax? Which uses more fuel?

This is so easy to solve it should not be an issue. Aaaaand......

In Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them."


Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution of the United States. Decided in 1803, Marbury remains the single most important decision in American constitutional law.
But only on federal highways. A state can opt out when it comes to anything state controlled. And then the feds have a little problem called Article 5 of the Constitution...

That's easy, ditch to stupid cell phone and people will just have to get used to not being able to get hold of someone on a moments notice again.

The Constitution means nothing to these people any longer. It’s toilet paper to them. Patriots better start waking up.

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I would see them raising taxes on electricity , federal sales tax on goods and keeping the gas tax. Its a easy collection process for the treasury to have whoever you buy something from collect the tax at the point of sale. They might justify a federal sales tax on goods by saying goods get to the consumer by utilizing the infrastructure so that way everyone gets to “invest” in it. You can bet one thing is for sure they will figure it out. I see a milage tax as hard and expensive to administer.
The recent infrastructure bill has 2700 pages that few have read nor understand. Caught only a smidgen of a report saying the new bill allows states or arthurites to bill the average citizen for any mileage (carbon credits?) accumulated while driving across state lines. Can some one bring me up to speed on what exactly this is about? Hard to believe that 19 republican Senators voted for this, including my own Senator Cassidy!


Senator Cassidy is as much of a joke as our worthless Governor.

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How are they going to know how many miles you drove?

From what I’ve heard is if this passes, they will start putting a tracking system like onstar etc in new vehicles so they can monitor and if needed shut the vehicle down if there has been violations or no tax’s paid

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