Trail camera strategy in mountain county for mule deer

Apr 22, 2020
I am new to the camera game and am just trying to learn as much as possible haha! I am just curious what everyone's thoughts are, there is about a 7 or 8 mile Ridgeline that I plan on setting 6 cameras on. I will set a few on springs I know of but it has enough hidden water sources that I don't think it is a very effective option. There are maybe 10 secondary ridges that run off the main Ridgeline with a canyon imbetween each secondary ridge. Each canyon is maybe 3/4 miles apart or so. I am curious if i should set my cameras on the main Ridgeline every mile or so in hopes the animals are on the main ridge or should I set them down on the secondary ridges that divide the canyons? It is is rough rugged country with open south faces and timbered north faces.Any tips would be helpful, I also should add it's legal to bait here so using salt is an option.