So it seems like you're pretty much open to anything. Plenty of new bows that are reasonably inexpensive a d good for a beginner. Samick sage recurve, mountain mesa longbow come to mind. Mandarin duck black hunter recurve/ longbow.
Also, if you're new to trad, then do not get a 55# bow. Think more like 40, or 45 max. It's not like a compound
My recommendation would be to hit up RMS gear and get hooked up with a samick sage, start off around 40# and get comfortable, they do a limb swap option for $50 and you can send in your original limbs and get a heavier set when you want to. The whole setup will run you $250-300, and they’ll get you hooked up with arrows as well. They are about the best people on the face of the planet to deal with.