Trad bows and backpacks???


May 15, 2013
How you guys strap your trad bow to your pack, vertical with a heavy pack might be to dangerous taking pack on and if if one slip occurs, was thinking parallel under the lid.

This is for heavy load, I think I will pack and extra string and stringer anyway, pretty light anyway un string it and put it parallel under the lid.

any other ideas photos, redneck mods you made yo ur packs.
I always pack mine vertical. I carry it on the side and lash it down by the three compression straps. I will only carry my bow this way if i am on a trail and using my trekking poles. If i am off trail and full pack i usually just carry my bow and use one trekking pole and lash the other on the side of my pack. Of course i still worry about a fall but so far never happened. I leave a kit in my truck at the trail head with a couple extra strings and a bow stringer. I know its all light but i only carry in what i need.
Copy that, yeah I was looking more for the pack in or out with more than day hunting loads. It will be in my hand other wise.
I always have my trad bow in hand. I have a small game license and might find something to shoot. Not to mention I do not like to strap my bow on the pack.

I use a bungee cord to act as a "sling" to have my hands free. I am using a Hoyt Gamemaster II so it already has holes in the riser for me to do this. I have tied two small sections of gutted 550cord to the riser holes and use those to attach to the bungee cord. Not the best or the prettiest, but it works and allows me to have my hands free.
Wouldn't a takedown be better suited for pack in hunts? I have not hunted with one yet but plan too and I think that is what I will do. Thoughts?
What Greylight said. If it is a real heavy load and extreme terrain, a take down in your bag is best. Most of the time though my bow is in my hand even in rough country.
I have a 2 piece Fox Breed recurve that rides in the pack while climbing or in thick brush, most times it is strung and in my hand...
Long in hikes or travel my bows get taken down. Easier to pack, less chance of damage. Its the main reason I buy takedown bows.

Setting the bow up to hunt afterwards take little effort.
I have a takedown which I can take apart / reassemble in a matter of minutes but I prefer to always have my bow in hand in case a shooting opportunity arises whether it be big or small game.
isn't that the idea with a longbow...its so light in your hand you don't need to strap it to your pack?

I hunt with a takedown 3 piece recurve so I just put it it my pack. Great on airplanes too as I can just pack it in the bottom of my duffle- no bulky bowcase.
You could get a tip protector and use it as a walking stick:) hiking in is usually not a problem and with a heavy load out you could take it out on the last trip.