Tract spotting scope experience?


Apr 20, 2020
Got a good deal on a Tract Toric 80 spotter. Previously been using a Vortex Gen1 Razor 85. Been pretty happy with it overall but wanted to try a straight spotting scope. Hence, the Tract. I am curious if people have experience with the Tract spotting scopes positive, or negative? The little bit I have used it, it seems be a great scope but I am on the fence about what size I need, magnification, quality/clarity etc. And how it stacks up against other mid/upper tier options. I know that the common recommendations are Swaro and Kowa for the most part but not sure whether I can or want to try and justify the cost of those options. Any feedback on this would be appreciated. I know its a bit open ended but looking for others experience for or against. Thanks.

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I’ve used a buddy’s Tract Toric 65mm quite a bit. It’s a good performer for the price. We both feel it optically outperforms our Razor 85s by a noticeable margin.
Got a good deal on a Tract Toric 80 spotter. Previously been using a Vortex Gen1 Razor 85. Been pretty happy with it overall but wanted to try a straight spotting scope. Hence, the Tract. I am curious if people have experience with the Tract spotting scopes positive, or negative? The little bit I have used it, it seems be a great scope but I am on the fence about what size I need, magnification, quality/clarity etc. And how it stacks up against other mid/upper tier options. I know that the common recommendations are Swaro and Kowa for the most part but not sure whether I can or want to try and justify the cost of those options. Any feedback on this would be appreciated. I know its a bit open ended but looking for others experience for or against. Thanks.

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I have the angled Toric 80mm with both the 27-55 and the fixed 22x eyepiece. I am very pleased with it. Very close to Alpha image at a fraction of the cost. I pretty much just leave the 22x eyepiece on it now. I like having the reticle, and the FOV, the eye relief and the image quality are great for both hunting and PRS.

Appreciate the response and experience. Any more input would be great. I have been able to find a little bit out there on these optics but it seems that the information is pretty minimal. It seems they have good potential though, especially at the price point!

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