Ah So, most interesting. So, is the average penetration also equal to the Accubond and how are your velocities?
I have this choice little Remmy 7-7.08 and want to pack it this year as I am still not quite well from a burst appendix, pneumonia and whatever in January, 2016 and really WANT to get out for extensive stints in my home mountains in SE BC, usually solo, as most older guys I know have quit hunting and was thinking of using Swifts.
So, a load of a Sirocco at 2700+ really interests me.
Thots? Also, give Molly a hug for us!
I have this choice little Remmy 7-7.08 and want to pack it this year as I am still not quite well from a burst appendix, pneumonia and whatever in January, 2016 and really WANT to get out for extensive stints in my home mountains in SE BC, usually solo, as most older guys I know have quit hunting and was thinking of using Swifts.
So, a load of a Sirocco at 2700+ really interests me.
Thots? Also, give Molly a hug for us!