A little late to the Party but still a great video. Nice work Jordan!Hey all
if you can peel your eyes away from the Kung Flu thread for 4 minutes 45 seconds, you'll enjoy this little clip about how she hunts whitetails on her family's Nebraska spread:
nice video! The bit of family history reminds me of Willa Cather's O Pioneers, which if i remember right is about Czechs coming to Nebraska (a book i can recommend whether or not it matches your family history!)
great filmHey all
if you can peel your eyes away from the Kung Flu thread for 4 minutes 45 seconds, you'll enjoy this little clip about how she hunts whitetails on her family's Nebraska spread:
Nice!Hey all
if you can peel your eyes away from the Kung Flu thread for 4 minutes 45 seconds, you'll enjoy this little clip about how she hunts whitetails on her family's Nebraska spread:
@Jordan Budd you see this ^Great Video and awesome story. What bow do you shoot. Trying to get my girls into bow hunting any advice on a bow for a young sixteen-year-old would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!Great Video and awesome story. What bow do you shoot. Trying to get my girls into bow hunting any advice on a bow for a young sixteen-year-old would be greatly appreciated!
Jordan's right, smooth bows.Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!
Thanks for the reply!Jordan's right, smooth bows.
Depending on your daughter's size, check out the Radik too, @SLDMTN reviewed on for his girl:
Mission Radik Youth Bow Review
Mission Radik Youth Bow Review. Kyle set two of his daughters up with Radik bows and goes through the pros and cons in this article.www.rokslide.com
My son has one and it fit him from 10 years old to 18
Thanks for replying!Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!