"Tough" A First Lite Film featuring Jordan Budd

nice video! The bit of family history reminds me of Willa Cather's O Pioneers, which if i remember right is about Czechs coming to Nebraska (a book i can recommend whether or not it matches your family history!)

Great video!

(Pardon the hijack: the book O Pioneers is available for free on the Gutenberg site)
Great Video and awesome story. What bow do you shoot. Trying to get my girls into bow hunting any advice on a bow for a young sixteen-year-old would be greatly appreciated!
Great Video and awesome story. What bow do you shoot. Trying to get my girls into bow hunting any advice on a bow for a young sixteen-year-old would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!
Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!
Jordan's right, smooth bows.

Depending on your daughter's size, check out the Radik too, @SLDMTN reviewed on for his girl:

My son has one and it fit him from 10 years old to 18
Thanks! I currently shoot a Mathews phase 4. The bow in that film was an Obsession I believe. I had a Hoyt for a while, went back to Mathews and never looked back. I feel like they are forgiving and just a smooth shooting bow. Best case scenario is getting into a bow shop that she can shoot a lot of models!
Thanks for replying!