When planning for your hunt this Fall, keep this article in mind as we break down the Top 5 mature buck producing states based on data:
I wouldn't even consider your top 5 "mature" buck states if wanting to hunt big whitetails. I would maybe hunt TX or OK but only if I was suddenly interested in paying $$$ to hunt. I wouldn't put 3 of them in a top 45 list.
How do they come up with ages in states that have tele-check?
I'm not sure I would call this a "study" but an observation. Oklahoma has become a recent "big buck" state due to effective promotion. The online check-in system is reporting far fewer button bucks and forkies being killed. This is due to hunter decisions since there are no point restrictions in the state while there are restrictions on many leased ranches. Deer age is not reported by hunters and jaws are not submitted except on QDM properties.Always interesting to see studies like this and wonder how accurately the available data really represents what hunters see/think. Another interesting thought to consider: states like TX and OK with lots of large ranches often have management operations in place where they "cull" some bucks before they hit 3.5+ which could skew some of the data. Awesome publication, surprising results.
I was thinking the same. Hard to compare the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal P. Totally different areas when it comes to deer.I would dare to say the NC data is a touch skewed. The deer density in the mountain area and harvest numbers put a hurt on the easternmost part of the state