Too much headspace?


Aug 10, 2013
I just loaded some test loads for my rem 700 in 300 WSM. These are once fired. I full length sized them and loaded them. As I was cleaning them up I noticed what appears to be some stretching on the case.

Is this something I should get addressed?

Are these sounds safe to fire?

The case measurements were within spec after sizing. I have never seen this before after firing and sizing. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Here is an unsized one fired brass. I set up my for per the rcbs instructions. Is this just the way the brass is?

Here is an unsized one fired brass. I set up my die per the rcbs instructions. Is this just the way the brass is?

Here is an unsized one fired brass. I set up my for per the rcbs instructions. Is this just the way the brass is?
If you take a paperclip and unwind it or other piece of wire and put a little L at the end and stick it down into the case to the bottom at the side and drag the point up the side of the case across that area and see if you feel a dip or kind of groove. If not then it should be fine. I think what you are seeing is where the die ends squeezing it down. I have that discoloration on many of my cases but they show no signs of case head separation and I've never had a problem with separation. My 7mm wsm cases in particular show a ring like that. Look for thinning of the case wall at the base inside the case.
You probably have a big factory chamber but that isn't a big deal if you don't size the brass too much. Just size the brass enough to set the shoulder back one to two thousandths. These are only once fired so there is some spring back already there and a thousandth is all you need. A bushing neck die is what you need to get the best case life out of the brass. Measure the loaded rounds neck diameter and fired neck diameter and see how much expansion you are getting. Check the same at the line you are seeing.
As Shrek said, this ring is where your die is stopping in the sizing function. You are not resizing that last little bit. As long as the case is cycling through your rifle with no problems, I would not worry. I usually cycle my brass after sizing prior to charging just to make sure all of it sized correctly. I think if headspacing is a problem, you will see case head separation and/or stretching in the actual webbing of the case head.
Cant be sure but it looks like you are resizing the full length. If you are reloading for the same rifle the brass was fired from, you only need to set the due to bump the shoulder back 1 to 2 thousandths. Should cycle fine and brass should last longer.
My 300wsm has the same ring and has had no separation issues. Do the cases cycle ok after being resized? My 270wsm cases get that ring but the ring is larger than the case body and they will not chamber after firing or one run through a fl sizer. Idk if that's headspace issue but maybe your having the same problem?