Toe Numbness?

Haven't seen morton's neuroma mentioned. It's a possibility. Runners, particularly mountain runners, frequently have it. Progresses from tingly, "nervy" pain to "hot spot" pain to numbness. I've had it off and on, though never numbness in the big toe; mostly 2nd to 3rd toes. I find that numbness tends to occur after running on alpine rocks. Sometimes taping the toes together (big toe to second and second to third) helps "splay" them out and relieve the pain. I know some folks cut a little "donut" out of foam and tape that around it. (Put the donut around the trigger point and then tape the donut in place.) Or get shoes with bigger toeboxes or cushioning (Hokas). Mine just went away with time and apparently adaptation to that running style.

Again, I don't know if this is the answer, but it's a possibility I didn't see mentioned.
It could be neuropathy caused by repeated and prolonged squeezing of the nerve between two toe bones, or between the toe bone and the boot. I have permanent numbness between the two smallest toes on my left foot. Beyond being a bit unnerving (pun intended), it does not appear to have caused any real damage after many years (decades). I saw a podiatrist early on, and he did some treatments with electrical stimulation and steroid injections, but they only provided temporary relief. I have just gotten used to it.
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If the sensation is in your toe and travels up your leg, then you could tie it into a back issue or a tight psoas muscle in your pelvis. Otherwise its isolated to your boots and what your feet are doing in them.
It certainly could be those. But, I've had the issue with multiple boots and multiple insoles, so unknown.

I'd probably take that bet - because I also mentioned above I'll occasionally get the sensation with my road bike and bike shoes, or when running in my running shoes, and in both of those scenarios, I can say pretty definitively that's not happening. I'm leaning either towards a fit issue, or mechanics of my foot / arch and the type of boot / insoles that I have.

Looks like you have the problem narrowed down pretty much on your own so you should be able to fix it on your own. Next time your in Northern Colorado send me a PM and I'll buy you a steak dinner.
My big toe on my right foot still has issues. Can't feel some of the point. Had to pack a buck out by myself out of a hell canyon. Don't even wanna know how much weight it was but the canyon was super steep. I'm guessing this hikers toe thing is exactly it. I've talked to a few people about it. I felt like I was kind of "cat clawing" my toes all the way up this steep mountain side. It was about three hours of straight elevation

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Not sure on the cause or solution but I feel your pain. My toes were numb for at least 2 months after this year's hunt in CO. Eventually went away I just figured it was stress on the nerves in my foot from all he hiking with added weight.
You're compressing the nerve that runs across the top of the foot and down the big toe. Mine took 3 months to come back. I was told if I kept it up there was the possibility of it being permanent.

Change boots to one with more volume.
You're compressing the nerve that runs across the top of the foot and down the big toe. Mine took 3 months to come back. I was told if I kept it up there was the possibility of it being permanent.

Change boots to one with more volume.
If this is the issue I don't think that he needs to necessarily change boots. I would first check out different ways of lacing them up in order to take pressure off the area where the compression is taking place. Check this video out.

How to Lace a Hiking Boot For Better Fit - YouTube
I would get a foam roller or "The Stick" roller type or both and work on your calves. I was commenting with the same issue in an earlier thread in the footwear section that Actika was referring to. Since then I have had my big toe adjusted at the Chiropractor which helped short term but it came back the next time I wore boots. Then I was stretching one night and happened to stretch my calf the right way and felt a tingle in my numb toe. Since then I have worked on stretching my calves a few times a day and the issue is gone. My right toe actually started to form a bump on the inside of the last joint and now that is receding. If I start to feel the numbness/marble under the joint sensation I stretch and its gone. So at least for me mine is directly related to calf and lower leg proper function. For me I think boots especially stiff boots limit the natural walking/hiking motion and that works my calf into a knot. Look up an article in the Journal of Mountain hunting online written by the editor called "Bullet Proofing your Feet" in the February 2015 issue. They are also starting another continuing series of article in the March 2017 issue that touches on some of the same subjects as the February issue. Basically its exercises and stretches to promote natural movement and proper function that fix the majority of issues this doctor sees come through his door.
I don't think mine is a calf tightness issue. But I don't feel it really rubbing on the boot.

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If the boot is too tight over the joint where the big toe meets the foot that can be the issue also. Either on the side or on the top.
Christmas Toe
I've had it a few times. Switched to a lighter duty boot and stopped lacing directly over the top of my foot.
do you have hair on your toes?

my doc commented on my fuzz..saying it was good sign with respect to circulation. those hobbits must have kickass capillaries.
I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts you don't walk or workout in the boots you wear in the field, am I right. I hike 2-5 miles a day in my various hunting boots wearing a backpack. I experienced some numbness at first but it went away after a month. Might try that. Forces you to perfect your lacing too.
Yeah Bruce, I train and work in mine as I get closer to the season. Not really sure what's going on with my toe, still don't have feeling back from my death hike back in octobwr

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Yeah Bruce, I train and work in mine as I get closer to the season. Not really sure what's going on with my toe, still don't have feeling back from my death hike back in octobwr

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Do you have cold feet a lot? No hair on your toes? If so, it sounds like a circulation concern to me. See a podiatrist.
Sounds like Christmas Toe - google it.
More volume in the toe box will help. I have the same issue and went through all the worrying, etc.
Thats the way my Foot Neuropathy started...numbness after a tough its constant.

I didn't see it might want to have your blood tested....foot numbness is one of the first signs of Diabetes. You can be healthy and still be a diabetic.

The Neurologist still can't figure mine out....don't beat the shit out of your feet like i did!

What helped me for a long time was a stiffer soled boot with a good insole. Now putting on my Bierkenstocks in the AM is heaven.
Never updated this thread.

Much, much better this year with different boots and insoles, but not perfect. May go see a podiatrist at some point because I have separate knee and ankle issues that I want to make sure aren't aggravated by my feet, and can hit the toe numbness too.

I personally think it's how my feet are built, and getting pressure in the right way on a nerve or something to that affect. If I wear my road bike shoes - 100% stiff sole, I will get some tingling in my big toe in the same way.

I do get blood tests yearly - I'm healthy in that regard.

Not a big issue for me this year...