Toddler Archary?


Apr 10, 2024
My kiddo is only 14 months, but I'm thinking of getting him a Nerf bow for when he goes to the archery range with me (when he's a tad bit older of course). Anyone think 2 years old is too young?

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My kiddo is only 14 months, but I'm thinking of getting him a Nerf bow for when he goes to the archery range with me (when he's a tad bit older of course). Anyone think 2 years old is too young?

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Have a 17 month old. I have a range at my house and wonā€™t shoot around her. She takes too much focus and gets into too many shenanigans. I couldnā€™t imagine trying to watch her around other people shooting as well, unless she was in my backpack. But the string slap makes me too nervous to try. Iā€™ve seen what it can do to grown men. Maybe keep a leash on her and tie her off to a tree nearby, or just leave her with momma and enjoy some quiet time. Mine has been going on spring bear day trips, itā€™s a whole new element/amount of effort to my outdoor time. Sticking to the road is rough.
Hahaha. I do shoot with him in my pack. He will sometimes kick me as I'm shooting and I just think of Joel Turner trying to distrace me...not that I've ever done his course.

More or less, he'd be shooting the foam nerf arrows in the back yard until he can stay still and take direction.
Go for it! I got my son a stalker weasel when he was three, he could shoot it then and still shoots it now at six. They offer different limbs to fit as they grow, something to look at.
Bought my 3 y/o niece a toy bow with the suction cup arrows for Christmas. She still doesn't quite have it down yet but she enjoys playing with it.
Go for it! I got my son a stalker weasel when he was three, he could shoot it then and still shoots it now at six. They offer different limbs to fit as they grow, something to look at.
Thanks, I'll have to look into that! South Cox is just right up the road from me.
Have a 17 month old. I have a range at my house and wonā€™t shoot around her. She takes too much focus and gets into too many shenanigans. I couldnā€™t imagine trying to watch her around other people shooting as well, unless she was in my backpack. But the string slap makes me too nervous to try. Iā€™ve seen what it can do to grown men. Maybe keep a leash on her and tie her off to a tree nearby, or just leave her with momma and enjoy some quiet time. Mine has been going on spring bear day trips, itā€™s a whole new element/amount of effort to my outdoor time. Sticking to the road is rough.
I would also mention that I have a family membership to a local archary club, so typically when I shoot there, there is no one on the target range. And it's very family friendly. They have a youth shoot every month, including a course for the Littles.
I would also mention that I have a family membership to a local archary club, so typically when I shoot there, there is no one on the target range. And it's very family friendly. They have a youth shoot every month, including a course for the Littles.
Yea if your kid has their personality to get into awesome stuff early, go for it. Mine wants to run, everywhere, all at once. I have a 120 yard range with my bag and. 3D targets about 7 yards from my front door. It would be difficult to watch the baby and try to shoot.
I built a stick bow and used some cedar shafts, no fletching, for my 2 YO. When he saw me punch holes in a cardboard antelope, he was all in. He spent an afternoon practicing and got pretty consistent. Good times.
I have one of these that has gone thru 4 daughters (now adults) and 8 grandkids. They were a little older when they started though, like 3-5y. It's a lot like bike riding. Some take to it easily and others need a little time. Once they start shooting a "real" bow make sure they have an arm guard. Nothing ends a fun day of shooting faster than a blue forearm.

Also the No-Glove finger savers are perfect for kids.

I strongly believe a trad bow is the best starter bow for kids and Distance Contests really helps them understand getting to full draw. When they "aim" they might pull 7" but tell them to send it across the yard and they all look like Braveheart.
Mines been using this toy bow with a a cut down Easton arrow since he could walk. Heā€™s 2 in this picture. Having a nock actually stay on the string so he didnā€™t have to worry about the arrow falling off was the biggest help. I also donā€™t carry anything for him, heā€™s gotta pick it up from our bow rack if he wants to come shoot and carry it while walking.

He never misses a trip to the walk through range or back yard shooting.

He grasped the concept that he had to stand off to my side or behind me right away though. Maybe itā€™s because I had him in out there in a stroller when he was a newborn haha.


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Elk Ridge Archery

Started my son with a Pilgrim Squirt Package. Bow, quiver, arrows. Still have it though son will be 20 this year.

Next bow or two was from Elk Ridge as well. They do a trade up program. Eventually we went with a Black Rhino bow--no longer made and then into a Maddog Archery--Mike has also left the business of making bows.

St. Joe Rivers bows mades some nice kids bows as well.

Only issue with smallest of the kids bows was the arrow bouncing off of newer 3d targets. The kid would get close enough to hit in vitals but unless the vital was a bit shot up they were too hard to penetrate with the really light bow.

Make it fun and enjoyable, don't force it, sometimes kids shoot all day, sometimes it's one and done.....roll with it.....

Likely started at about 3 or 4. He was on the range at an earlier age in a backpack and then a jogging stroller once he got to heavy to keep good shooting form.........oh and bring lots of snacks.......
Mines been using this toy bow with a a cut down Easton arrow since he could walk. Heā€™s 2 in this picture. Having a nock actually stay on the string so he didnā€™t have to worry about the arrow falling off was the biggest help. I also donā€™t carry anything for him, heā€™s gotta pick it up from our bow rack if he wants to come shoot and carry it while walking.

He never misses a trip to the walk through range or back yard shooting.

He grasped the concept that he had to stand off to my side or behind me right away though. Maybe itā€™s because I had him in out there in a stroller when he was a newborn haha.
Thats awesome!!

My little guy has been out with me since he was in a stroller as well! Lol. There is a playground about a block as well, so when we're done shooting I let him run around the playground a bit them he sleep on the way home.
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Elk Ridge Archery

Started my son with a Pilgrim Squirt Package. Bow, quiver, arrows. Still have it though son will be 20 this year.

Next bow or two was from Elk Ridge as well. They do a trade up program. Eventually we went with a Black Rhino bow--no longer made and then into a Maddog Archery--Mike has also left the business of making bows.

St. Joe Rivers bows mades some nice kids bows as well.

Only issue with smallest of the kids bows was the arrow bouncing off of newer 3d targets. The kid would get close enough to hit in vitals but unless the vital was a bit shot up they were too hard to penetrate with the really light bow.

Make it fun and enjoyable, don't force it, sometimes kids shoot all day, sometimes it's one and done.....roll with it.....

Likely started at about 3 or 4. He was on the range at an earlier age in a backpack and then a jogging stroller once he got to heavy to keep good shooting form.........oh and bring lots of snacks.......
I've learned that's snacks are key to all things toddler! Hahaha. Thanks for the advice!
I appreciate all the advice from the good Dads in this thread. It has been fun to read. I just had a son a little over 2 months ago. I have had fun bringing the little man to the range in his carseat/stroller as the weather has warmed up. Can't wait to get him started on a little nerf bow (down the road lol). Thanks all.