Tikka stainless 6.5 creedmoor $499.99

Finally ordered mine. Wanted to get it when it was 499 but had issues trying to get someone to do the FFL and also didn't know much about the company. I'm fine with an extra $40, funny things is the place that said they will price match told me there was no way they could go under $700 for the gun. So that's who I got to do the FFL transfer for $25 lol. All out will be 585, so I'm happy. Finally get to pair up my Leupold VX-3i 3.5 x 10 I got about a year ago for $269 on sale. Should be a fun gun.

Blued version for $460. Scoop it up

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Showing $798.00 when placed in my cart.....what am I missing?
1. You have to setup an account.
2. Put the stainless model in your cart
3. Click email my price
4. Should get email with a price for 539.99
I just got the blued version and saved 80 bucks and used that toward an excellent Zeiss scope.
If you are on the fence you better move. On the blue ones anyway. They sent me an email saying this is current inventory only.

Ordered a rifle, an 8 round magazine, and two verticals grips on Thursday.

Have a DNZ mount and ordered a 3-9X40 Vortex Diamondback Tactical from Optics Planet for $150.
i am desperately trying to buy one of these but the website is not selecting an FFL to ship to. What the F*ck is going on here. Sweating bullets

Not the greatest site.

I think I made an account and that made things go well once I was logged in. I think. Gave me problems too.