What's up everyone based on a ton of reading from this forum, I ended up buying a 300 Win Mag Tikka T3x and putting a NF SHV 4-14x on the top of it. Took it out to the range and put some plane jane Federal 180 gr thu it to get it on paper.
I then tried a total of 3 loads:
Remington Core Lokt, 180 gr
Federal Terminal Ascent, 200gr
Federal Blue Box 180gr
All three were shooting 1.5-2" groups.
I shoot enough to know it could be the ammo, or I have to break the barrel in, as it's only got basically 20 rounds thru it.
But I have to admit, I was a little less than please.
Now also, bear in mind, I'm no schmuck either, I have several rifles that shoot suv-moa and most are plane jane Rem 700s, or Savage 110s.
This was my first crack at anything other than "good enough."
I wanted this to be THE rifle for me and willing to spend more coin than I'm used to.
Is it all in my head? Im going to continue other loads/bullets.
But I'd be lying if I said I felt a bit let down and was expecting nice little clover leafs.
I'd fire two rounds close and 0.5" apart, and then the next one would be 1-1.5" away! Like holy crap! Did I pull that shot? Then I'd repeat and try again.
My buddy who also is a heck of a shot, same thing for him. Two close/touching and then a flyer.
Maybe a warm barrel? Maybe the ammo? Maybe not broken in?
Base, rings are all loctite, torqued and leveled.
Talk me off a ledge here boys!