Tikka Factory Break reduction?


Oct 7, 2020
Does anyone have any data on how much the factory Tikka break reduces recoil?

I have a 9#8oz Tikka Wideland in 7RM with a NF NXS. And a 8#4oz Tikka lightweight 6.5CM with a Holland Break. I was looking for a chart...I found ones years about where you can type in the caliber and rifle weight to get the recoil...I know the holland will reduce about 30-35% but I find no data on the Tikka factory break.

Any data out there? Or where is that link to the recoil chart? Not a generic one.
Omnidirectional muzzle brakes are used by MFGs because they don’t require timing.

While they can accomplish a mild 10-20% reduction in felt recoil (somewhere between a suppressor and bare muzzle), they mostly succeed in kicking up dirt and being loud as all hell.

I advise you to save up for a braked suppressor like the Scythe Ti if you desire recoil reduction in the 30% range. While muzzle brakes are effective, they are incompatible with magnum rifle cartridges like your 7RM due to the difficulty of achieving sufficient hearing protection to avoid permanent damage. A well designed directional self timing brake (like the ones made by SRS or sold here on RS) would be a good fit for range use on your 6.5cm. It could provide 40% ish reduction.

Unfortunately I am in CA...so no suppressors.

My 7rm is loud. I took 4 shots in 2 sequences with it on an elk hunt 2 weeks ago. Not fun. Lost my ear pro early in the week. The 7rm is a tack driver and is awesome set up. In 10 shot groups 8 are at 3/4" and 2 outside of that 1.25" total with factory barnes lrx...CA again on the mono crap.

The Holland on my sons 6.5 is directional.
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Unfortunately I am in CA...so no suppressors.

My 7rm is loud. I took 4 shots in 2 sequences with it on an elk hunt 2 weeks ago. Not fun. Lost my ear pro early in the week. The 7rm is a tack driver and is awesome set up. In 10 shot groups 8 are at 3/4" and 2 outside of that 1.25" total with factory barnes lrx...CA again on the mono crap.

The Holland on my sons 6.5 is directional.
Oof. For a non-suppressor state shooting a magnum I would simply maximize the barrel length and spend heavily on great hearing protection that can stay on during stalks (Otto noize barriers or the like).

One shot was off hand...3 I had time and at that point noticed my ear pro was gone. I average about 2-5 shots a year with no pro. Most often off hand. I found the site I was looking for...or one like it.

I still can't find any info on a tikka break.
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I’ve got a tikka 7rm a smith threaded for me in an Xlr chassis with a factory style break that’s actually enjoyable to shoot. I would basically not even consider regular range type shooting it without a break. Yes ear protection is a must, but so what, unbreaked rifles still require it.

Yes i would love a suppressor, it’s pretty far down my list of priorities at the moment though. And they still require ear protection anyway.

I can’t give you any actual stats though. Just that mine went from unpleasant to enjoyable to shoot.
Yes, shooting extended strings of supersonic fire with a suppressor still requires hearing protection. Hearing loss is a function of severity, frequency, and duration of exposure.

Yes, shooting individual rounds suppressed and non hearing protected can be safe.

Yes, shooting individual rounds unsuppressed and non hearing protected is indeed doing permanent irreparable damage every single time.

Yes, shooting a braked magnum is likely to take most hearing protection setups (even combo plugs & muffs) above the hearing safe level across an extended string of fire.
