Tikka Bolt Body Conversion


Apr 9, 2024
Manhattan, KS
RS Nation...

Need some help with a technical question on Tikka T3x actions. I have a short magnum in 270 WSM that I got for a great price, and want to convert it to a standard short action. Can I replace the bolt body alone or do I need to switch it the entire bolt assembly? Thanks!
From my prior research/understanding the firing on assembly, extractor/plunger, and bolt handle are interchangeable.
If the bolt face is the same size that you're wanting to go to, then simply change the bolt stop. Changing the bolt stop can make it longer or shorter. I took my 308 and made it a long action 308 so I'm not limited to mag constraint. I'll hit the lands way before I have mag issues now. If your wanting to go to a .223 bolt face, then you need to swap out the bolt. If going to a magnum bolt face, you can either swap out or have a gunsmith open up your existing bolt to accommodate.
If the bolt face is the same size that you're wanting to go to, then simply change the bolt stop. Changing the bolt stop can make it longer or shorter. I took my 308 and made it a long action 308 so I'm not limited to mag constraint. I'll hit the lands way before I have mag issues now. If your wanting to go to a .223 bolt face, then you need to swap out the bolt. If going to a magnum bolt face, you can either swap out or have a gunsmith open up your existing bolt to accommodate.
I'm wanting to switch from a magnum short action to a standard short action.
Just FYI, I had a Tikka T3 7mag that I was wanting to barrel swap for a 308 CTR contour. I posted on the site about a possible trade of bolts with someone looking to upgrade to a magnum bolt. At the time, folks were barrel swapping their 308, or even 223 for a magnum bolt so they could screw a 6.5 PRC barrel on them. I ended up just buying the whole CTR rifle, but you may post it in the classifieds and get someone looking to swap and may only cost you shipping.
Just FYI, I had a Tikka T3 7mag that I was wanting to barrel swap for a 308 CTR contour. I posted on the site about a possible trade of bolts with someone looking to upgrade to a magnum bolt. At the time, folks were barrel swapping their 308, or even 223 for a magnum bolt so they could screw a 6.5 PRC barrel on them. I ended up just buying the whole CTR rifle, but you may post it in the classifieds and get someone looking to swap and may only cost you shipping.
I was thinking about this
RS Nation...

Need some help with a technical question on Tikka T3x actions. I have a short magnum in 270 WSM that I got for a great price, and want to convert it to a standard short action. Can I replace the bolt body alone or do I need to switch it the entire bolt assembly? Thanks!
I have a 260 rem that I want to convert to a mag bolt, I would swap bolts with you! Keith.
you will just need a standard bolt body. the 270 I think is a short action cartridge so you shouldn't need a bolt stop but it wont hurt anything to use a long action bolt stop. "Midwest gun works" carries the parts you need