Tikka 30-06 Load

Jan 25, 2023
I recently bought a Tikka T3 Laminated Stainless rifle in 30-06. I am looking for a load with 165 grain Nosler Partitions. Today, I test fired 2 different loads of IMR 4350. The results were not good. The first load was 57 grains over a Win Large Rifle Primer and a COAL of 3.320. The second load was 56 grains over a CCI 200 Primer and a COAL of 3.320. After disappointing results, I picked up a box of factory ammo that I had laying around and fired six shots through the same hole at 100 yards. The factory ammo was Federal Premium 165 grain Ballistic Tip. Does anyone have any recommendations for 165 Partition loads?

I have had good results with IMR 4350 and 165 gr bullets in a couple 30/06's. My advice would be to do some kind of load development. Shooting 2 different charge weights a grain apart, and with 2 different primers has a low probability of success.

There are a few different methods. Search painless load development on here, optimum charge weight load dev. on the web,& long range ladder testing. To give you some ideas.
Also some barrels don't like some bullets. If factory ammo is shooting well, I wouldn't give the partitions too much testing. Maybe 3 or 4 different powder charge weights with 2 different powders. Then move on to a different bullet.
Try H4350. If your initial test wasn't good, it's likely no amount of traditional load development is going to make it magically improve to the extent it's acceptable. It's not worth spinning your wheels and wasting the components.
I had the exact same problem with IMR & 165 Partitions.

However, this load with standard Winchester or Federal primers is dead on the money. 10 shots into just over 1.25"

If you’re set on that bullet, try a different powder and see what those results are. Just go to nosler load data and take your pick. Personally i’ve struggled with IMR 4350 loads myself, but my powder shelf looks like a rainbow so i have options.
While I’d agree with the other posters about trying to futz with powder/primers, i’d also say that partitions are not particularly accurate bullets and most of the “nodes” my 308s/270s/223s/280s usually don’t get smaller than an inch. They are not match bullets but they do kill the shit out of whatever you put one through.
We use W760 powder w 30-06 and 243.

Nosler partitions never grouped as well as sierra pro hunters for me. The NPs are a 1 MOA bullet where the others shoot tighter.
While I’d agree with the other posters about trying to futz with powder/primers, i’d also say that partitions are not particularly accurate bullets and most of the “nodes” my 308s/270s/223s/280s usually don’t get smaller than an inch. They are not match bullets but they do kill the shit out of whatever you put one through.
Nodes don't exist, the combo either shoots or it doesn't.
Always used IMR 4350 for an 06 and never had to search further.
never loaded 165’s but 59 grs for 150 Sierra PH & 57 for 180 Sierra RN.
federal 210 primer. Play with the seating depth to fine tune worked well for me.
If it won’t shoot a book max load of imr or h 4350 accurately, you should probably throw that rifle away. Joking, but not really.
I agree with a couple of other posters' comments about the H4350 being more consistently accurate than IMR4350.
I also agree with others that Partitions just don't group as tight as NBT or NAB.