Tikka 22-250 1:8 88eldm Stability?

Nov 7, 2018
I know there’s guys with a lot of success getting the 88 to stabilize in a 22cm in tikka 1:8 barrels

What about the slower velocities of the 22-250? Berger and Hornaday apps say it’s a no go.

Elevation at about 3k for practice, 7-10k for hunting. I was getting 3050-3100 fps with the 75ELDM with a 20” barrel but would like to shoot a higher BC larger bullet

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I got them to shoot slightly sub MOA in a Tikka 8 twist 22-250. I'd have to look for my notes but thinking I was using H4350. The 75 amax I had on hand shot very well so ended up with those. But if you want to shoot the 88, I think you would have a good chance at success.
I got them to shoot slightly sub MOA in a Tikka 8 twist 22-250. I'd have to look for my notes but thinking I was using H4350. The 75 amax I had on hand shot very well so ended up with those. But if you want to shoot the 88, I think you would have a good chance at success.

75’s shoot well in my tikka as well. Just would like to shoot a larger bullet when hunting Mule deer

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They stabilize fine in my 22/250 and 223 at sea level so you will have no issue but you will have to find a load that works to get top accuracy, seating depth plays a part with these
They stabilize fine in my 22/250 and 223 at sea level so you will have no issue but you will have to find a load that works to get top accuracy, seating depth plays a part with these

Wow a 223 at sea level works with the 88s? Hornady is saying that is nowhere near stable lol

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I don't know guys. I have a 20" BHW 223 Wylde 1-8 . I use Strelok for ballistics. And an 88 ELD M shows a stability factor of 1.19. ar 2700 fps.

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I don't know guys. I have a 20" BHW 223 Wylde 1-8 . I use Strelok for ballistics. And an 88 ELD M shows a stability factor of 1.19. ar 2700 fps.

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What elevation is that at?

Is the goal 1.4 and above?

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Sorry I was wrong that 1.2 was for a 80 gr ELD m , For the 88 gr ELD M the Stability factor is only like 1.06 That is at sea level. Although atmospher does not change the stability factor. `This is at roughly 2,900 fps for the 80 gr and 2,790 fps for the 88 gr bullets. I have been playting with shell tech cases in 223. You can get an extra 200 fps out of them., and have been toying with the idea odf getting a 1-7 twist barrel to shoot the 80 gr and 88 ge ELD M's Getting like 2950 fps with 77 gr RDF's out od a 20" BHW barrel. but it is a 1-8 twist . Ideally Stability factor (which is not affect by atmosphere) should be at 1.4 or higher, below this the bullet can wobble and affect the ballistic coieficient, and acuracy to full fledges sideways wad cutters. So stabilizing an 88 gr bullet is a virtual act of God, anything temperature, speed, seating depth load changed can set it off. Just like a top that is wobbeling once it starts it will goi in and out of hamonic. Not good.
Theory is fine but the fact is that they work
Below is a 3 shot group out of my tikka 223 with 80 Amax at 1100 yards View attachment 856263

If it works use it, but I am thinking. It’s like playing Russian roulette. With 1.4 or better you’re basically being handed a 6 round pistol with no rounds chambered . The further you stray below that the more rounds they throw it until you are at 6 chambered rounds. The pistol will discharge

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At the same time , it’s hard to argue with success. Just because based on my luck if I order 80’s or 88’s for my 223 20” AR pattern rifle , they will not stabilize. I think I will order some 80’s and test the water. Who knows , it may actually work.

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If it works use it, but I am thinking. It’s like playing Russian roulette. With 1.4 or better you’re basically being handed a 6 round pistol with no rounds chambered . The further you stray below that the more rounds they throw it until you are at 6 chambered rounds. The pistol will discharge

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What a load of crap
At the same time , it’s hard to argue with success. Just because based on my luck if I order 80’s or 88’s for my 223 20” AR pattern rifle , they will not stabilize. I think I will order some 80’s and test the water. Who knows , it may actually work.

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That’s the only way to know. Just buy a box and try it.
If it works use it, but I am thinking. It’s like playing Russian roulette. With 1.4 or better you’re basically being handed a 6 round pistol with no rounds chambered . The further you stray below that the more rounds they throw it until you are at 6 chambered rounds. The pistol will discharge

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What a bizarre statement.
The 80’s group amazing in my factory 18” Tikka 223. I’ve shot them out to 900 yards. The problem is that the BC drops way off for me. To use them effectively, I’d have to have two separate ballistic profiles, one for >500 and one for <500. I’m pretty sure that the 1/8 twist rate is the root cause of this. The 75’s however will use one profile out to the same distance with no seeming drop off in BC.