TiGoat Cylinder Stove with a MegaTarp questions

Jul 25, 2012
New Orleans, LA

I tried doing a search to find the answers to my questions but had difficulties, so I figured I'd start a new thread. Anybody have any idea what size stove pipe to get with a TiGoat Cylinder stove for use with a Megatarp? I'm guessing either 4.5' or 6'. Any downside to using the bigger pipe?

Also, the stove comes in two sizes, 22" and 12". The weight difference is only 6 oz between the two (1lb10oz vs. 2lbs). Does anybody recommend one size versus the other? I'm sure 12" would be fine for the Megatarp, but I'm wondering if 22" would be overkill or would it allow me to stoke the fire less frequently and be more useful should I ever purchase a bigger shelter?

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
The 4.5ft pipe is perfect, Kifaru gives you a 4ft pipe for the supertarp and as I understand the super and mega are the same size on the annex end. Make sure you get the stove pipe tie-off kit from Kifaru, don't want that pipe moving in the wind..

I have the ti-goat and supertarp. I went with the 12", I think the 22" would be too long inside the tarp, it would probably be doable but more in the way imo. Also your weights will drop about 5oz from the weights listed since they are with a 7ft pipe.
Thanks Dot! I actually have a Parastove and it's well constructed, I just don't like the size. How long are you able to get a burn to last/how often do you have to stoke a fire in the 12"?
I have the 12" and a megatarp with annex. I can get about 20 minutes of burn time out of it. During that time, it will get hot enough to run you out of the tarp :)
I have the 12" and a megatarp with annex. I can get about 20 minutes of burn time out of it. During that time, it will get hot enough to run you out of the tarp :)

X2... doesn't take much to heat the small area inside the tarp. I was also right around the 20min mark.
I get about 15 min burn time in my Kifaru small stove. I run it in the MegaTarp and don't think it's too much. I would actually go bigger in a ti stove if I did it again.
Why would you go with TI stove (I am guessing 22 round). What are the advantages/disadvantages over the Kifaru?
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Why would you go with TI stove (I am guessing 22 round). What are the advantages/disadvantages over the Kifaru?

The advantages to me would be twofold. One is the weight savings. The cylinder stove is lighter (the 12" vs. the para stove). The other thing is the size. The box for the parastove is small. The small, as I see it, isn't much bigger. You really have to cut branches down to a small length to get them to fit. It's more work for a shorter burn time is how I look at it...that's why I want a cylinder.
I can't remember exactly but when I was in this situation I figure out the burn box sizes and the 12" ti-goat was bigger then the small Kifaru or just smaller, it was one of those can't remember. The extra length of the ti-goat is nice and you can buy extra body foil and make a bigger or smaller stove for cheap.

Plus the less durable part of the cylinder stoves is the body which can be replaced pretty cheap.
Question about the TI. How close does the TI or any other stove for that matter get to the walls of the annex? Any special precautions other than keeping it staked out tight? At first I thought the pipe might angle out of the stove. but have learned that is not the case. Any concerns about melting or burning the tarp?
Question about the TI. How close does the TI or any other stove for that matter get to the walls of the annex? Any special precautions other than keeping it staked out tight? At first I thought the pipe might angle out of the stove. but have learned that is not the case. Any concerns about melting or burning the tarp?

It isn't that close and there is enough play to adj the pipe a safe distance away. So not an issue with any of the stoves. No matter the stove get the pipe stabilizing kit from Kifaru for $10 to keep it secure.