I only have ~1/2 acre but I spray a mix of Bifen IT and Tekko every ~6-8 weeks in the spring/summer and it does a number on all the annoying insects.Interesting stuff. We mow about 2.5-3 acres and I saw in the comments they don't recommend this for broadcast spraying to control mosquitos. What rate do you use to mix for your yard?
Will that Tick Key work on all sizes of ticks? Seems here back East they get smaller and smaller every year.
Debakey forcepsI’ve read that permethrin is great for preventing ticks and killing them. If that fails, what tick removal tools have you all found to work best? I see a bunch of different types advertised. I’ve just used my fingers in the past when I or my dog get bit. I took my kids on a hike down here in Florida and they got covered in tiny little ticks, smallest I’ve ever seen. I’m looking for some first hand experience with a removal tool that can handle all sizes of ticks.