Thumb Release?

check the classified section. There are quite a few Wise Choice releases on there for around $150. It takes time, but you'll see them pop up.
What he said...and look at ArcheryTalk classifieds...tons of thumb releases on there at reasonable prices

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Stan SX3 or any Stan with a sear trigger. Incredible thumb release with no trigger creep and clean break. It's what I've been shooting for years.
I am in the same boat as you and have recently switched to a button. I have the UV Hinge II and the UV button. I practice with both and have definitely seen great improvement. Get comfortable with the hinge and use the same shot process for the button. It has been great for me so far. Good luck!
I bought a Spot Hogg Whipper snapper on ebay for $65 just to see if I liked a thumb release. I love it and it shrunk my groups. They are about $100 new.

There is one in the archery classifieds for $70 right now too.
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I bought a used wise choice off of archery talk a year or two ago for around that price range. I’ve had cheaper thumb releases and there’s a reason they were cheaper, they sucked in comparison. The UV thumb release is nice as well, although pricey. But yeah Carter and Stan are great, truball makes some good higher end ones as well
Just have a good way to keep up with it. When I first changed over to a non-strapped release I lost it in the woods. Because I'm dumb I now carry a backup that I know how to shoot with. It's probably overkill but I hate to be without.
I put a second rangefinder pocket on my SG sentinel because I could not find a good secure way to carry a thumb button… tried the cargo pocket for a few days and it bruised my thigh. Not a comfortable thing to carry in a pocket
I entered the thumb button game last year. Shot several but found the Stan Onnex Clicker was the winner for me. Little click put everything at ease. If you can find one to test shoot they are sweet