Right in the middle of several packs whoever put it up cut down 20 bid timber trees and it was not there 3 weeks ago just for reference two hundred yards off isolated north Idaho road and from family camp from 1965 big dollar unit for sure all to say cougars kill more elk than wolves yeah buddy cats never required this expense if so and only thing I can think of
Are you sure its not a portable RAWS for fire weather? It's similar (albeit different) from the few I've seen but I'm sure there's several generations too.
Mentioned the wolves in jest kind of a RAWS may be it further photo there is small lightning strike fire two miles away posted on the road you can see small smoke plume
We use a very similar looking set up to satellite monitor water levels for springs and bighorn sheep guzzlers in California’s desert. Depending on the sensors used, cost is thousand$. We pay a monthly fee to monitor about 30+ sites. Most of our equipment is deep in wilderness and we try to keep locations confidential to prevent theft/vandalism.
The data collected is critical to monitoring habitat and wildlife.