Thoughts on Sitka's new Optifade Cover

I live and hunt primarily in MD. By December, the leaves are down and everything is brown/gray/tan/black. There is very little dark green, or any green, anywhere. What part of the Southeast are you referring to?

Maryland is not the “Southeast”.

A. Y’all don’t have sweet tea
2. Y’all don’t have gnats or alligators
C. Y’all have more gun laws than common sense

Come to Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana etc… sometime. Yes we got 10” of snow and it was sub 20 degrees for several days recently. It in fact, does get cold here. The cold honestly feels worse than it seems, because our humidity is typically over 50% most of the year.

- Yes I’ve been to Maine, Nodak, New York etc and I’ve experienced “cold weather” outside of the SE.
another thing I don't understand is IF this pattern was made for the South East... why put it in the fanatic series? You SE folk get that cold in 50 degree weather? lol

"we had snow ...once... "
I don't think that I've ever had a deer bust me because I was wearing the wrong camo pattern or for that matter no camo. My camo choice usually is decided by what's on sale or clearance. I even mix camo patterns and camo with solids (sacrilege I know) and still stack up deer. Camo patterns are designed to pry money out of your pocket.