Thinking about purchasing a Nightforce nxs 2.5-10x42 for my 375HH


Jun 12, 2022
I am interested in buying this scope for my 375 H&H that I recently acquired. I have had excellent luck with Nightforce scopes and would like to stay with the brand but I am always looking for suggestions.
One you might consider for a .375 is the NX8 1-8. I think it gives up a touch of low light and resolution to the NXS, probably a bit of "beat it with a rock" toughness as well, but it has a very fast reticle and wide FOV.
If distance/precison/resolution is the focus the 2.5-10 is certainly better. If close up or moving is the focus, the 1-8 is probably better. Both are good scopes and could work in either situation.
After having great luck with my Nightforce scopes on other rigs, I too am looking at both of the above for a 9.3x62 rig. Currently have 2 of the 2.5-10x42 scopes and find them very user friendly. The 1-8 nx8 is of interest though worried about low light performance with no experience using one. Worst case I buy one and then sell it for a small loss so not too big of deal.
I’ve always thought the shv 3-10 would be a great scope for my 375. I’m never shooting that thing far enough to bother dialing with and the shv 3-10 should be more than durable enough for any type of hunt I’d take that gun on.
with a 375, i'm thinking dangerous game, and if so, i'd go for something with a 1x low end - 1-6, 1-8, 1-10.

other than that, the nxs 2.5-10x42 is an awesome scope if you don't need true 1x and are shooting within distances where 10x is enough magnification.
Reasonable choice, although like others have said, the SHV would probably be sufficient and save you some money. With either though, you are gonna need a rail. Both of those scopes are way too short to put on a .375 length action without a rail.
Even on a SA Remjob 700, I had to do this to my rail to get good clearance betwix the front of the rail and the scope bell, with double secret super low low Ken Farrells.


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Reasonable choice, although like others have said, the SHV would probably be sufficient and save you some money. With either though, you are gonna need a rail. Both of those scopes are way too short to put on a .375 length action without a rail.
The rail thing is why I wouldn’t ever mount one of these on my 375. I don’t want to do anything that would cover the ejection and loading area on my dangerous game rifle. I don’t even use extended bases.