the varying tolerance levels of wives. :) for fun only.

Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
My wife wants nothing to do with hunting. And I love that. I hunt and fish far more than the average married man gets to hunt. I love all my time with my wife. I am stoked we have many things we love together. And i am equally as stoked that we have great things we enjoy independently. My best friends wife hunts with him and frankly i wont go with them. has nothing to do with hunting with a woman. I have no problem with that. she is just a bitch and i don't know how he spends a small fraction of the day with her let alone every minute of every day. It feels a lot like when you went to your buddy's house when you were a kid and he is in trouble or worse, his parents were fighting and it is totally awkward. I will take my scenario every day over that. My wife does tell me that I NEED to go kill an elk and catch some tuna because she loves eating elk and fresh tuna.... so i got that going for me.


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Feb 24, 2012
Kun Lunn, Iceland
Have to give my wife a 1+ she has been with me since the early college days poor, starving and through endless elk seasons some longer than others with hardly ever anything negative to say and extremely supportive! Here Is a classic prior to us getting married over 3 decades ago and when I knew she was a keeper:) Thankfully I am able to help her with her big hobby traveling and fast cars!

Jul 28, 2014
Mines an 8 she’s not gona kill shît ever . She will go because my daughter is so into it but we have to drag her. Only reason she gets an 8 and not a 10 is from August to end of October she knows dont plan anything and deals with it, after 25 years shes finally learnt

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Apr 12, 2016
I would call mine about a 8. She doesn't hunt, but is very supportive of my hunting time. She realizes what my hunting time means to me, and she would never take that away from me. Since we've had kids, I've cut back on some of my hunting, but not because she has asked me too. It's funny to see my wife get fired up when one of my best buddies is told he can't go hunting by his wife, which happens more than it should.


Sep 19, 2013
A fix back east
5, maybe.

She's not interested in hunting or fishing. She loves camping and canoeing in three seasons (provided there are few bugs and the weather is half-way decent). I'm working on winter camping. She has caught a fish, once, but doesn't have any interest in that (she went ice fishing with me once and hated every minute of it, she still doesn't understand what makes me want to go). She does enjoy eating whatever I bring home, as long as she doesn't have to see its face (venison, perch, trout, and walleye are highly preferred). She'll go hiking and help me clean the ramps and mushrooms we collect.

Some of my purchases (the ones she knows about) have elicited some sighs. As I'm planning for my future Kodiak goat hunt, I have to include her as a non-hunting observer (lodge rat). She finds it very disappointing that I've been to AK twice and she has yet to go. She is mostly jealous of me going out west in the fall and she doesn't get to come with. I spend at least one day each weekend from 1 October through mid-December hunting, including 4-5 long weekends at hunting camp. By the time mid-december rolls around, I start getting the, "Again?" comments when I say I'm headed out. I tell her the meat in the freezer doesn't grow on trees.


Jun 14, 2013
N.E. Mn. / Mt.
I'd have to rate mine as a 1, although she doesn't hunt she loves the outdoors, stays active and after 25 years, the kids have moved out and we're having more time to MB, fish, hike and camp together, all good.
Many years ago we took the 3 kids to AK for 18 days of camping, hiking and fishing, we got home and two days later I flew back up to the Brooks Range for 10 days of hunting, back home for a week then off to Wyoming for a week of hunting, all based from our rather remote Mn. home where she was dealing with our 3 young kids and going into town to teach each day. That fall was a push but as long as I get enough meat for the freezer she rarely complains about me being gone so often.
To top it off two years ago we bought land in Montana with only me seeing it beforehand., I got our little cabin partially built before she even saw the land/cabin the following year, she's a gem.


Jun 6, 2016
I’d rank my wife a #1. She lets me hunt 21 days a year (usually a bit more) while she is at home with 4 kids (9-7-4-1). She has no interest in hunting, but she knows how much I enjoy it and she lets me go. It’s a huge sacrifice for her, and i never forget it. She never gives me a guilt trip, but I still feel guilty about leaving her with all the kids. She has no interest in hunting, which is fine, although I always wish she would go with me during the elk rut. I try to send her on a week vacation every year, to a place of her choosing, to show some gratitude. She always complains that I am impossible to shop for, because I am very particular about what I buy and how much I pay for it. I tell her that she gives me the most valuable gift ever: Time! It’s the one thing I can’t buy myself. So yeah, she’s pretty awesome.
Nov 25, 2016
My wife is a 3
My girlfriend is a 2
My other girl friend is a 4

Seriously my wife is a Solid 2 or 3
She only complains after 100 days of hunting :)
Once Jan hits and AZ starts its late season OTC deer, she rolls eyes, then when the early season in AZ begins in Jan, that's when words come out..
- but I cant blame her, I am usually about full by then too

I am blessed, she hunted one deer hunt this year.
She got me a $400 gift card at the local gun shop for Christmas this year
Maybe she is a SOLID 2

I know she is way better at supporting me than me her, though she gets to do what ever she wants, she usually wants to do stuff together, and hunting isn't it for her.
Maybe back to a solid 3

What ever she is I aint trading her in for a new model, that's for sure.


Sep 9, 2013
This is an all-time thread, love it.

My wife is about a 4 on that scale. Have a couple friends and acquaintances that are definite 10's, they practically need a permission slip to get out. I get away with a hell of a lot but you gotta be smart and strategic, put your dad/husband time in when the conditions aren't great. No need to get excited about the start of the season and blow are your goodwill. Do your chores and bank that shit for the rut.

To each their own, but I always thought you'd have to be friggin bonkers to marry a woman that hunts. How the hell do you get away? Not for me.


Dec 25, 2012
My "soon to be" wife is a 1 for sure. She loves to go and gets really pissed when she cant. I am lucky for sure.

You think you're lucky. Until you want to go on a guy's only trip. Or buy yourself a new pack/binos/whatever, and then you have to buy two of everything. I thought my brother was lucky once too. Now I've learned to be happy with my #7 :D
Dec 29, 2016
Reno, NV
My "soon to be" wife is a 1 for sure. She loves to go and gets really pissed when she cant. I am lucky for sure.

You know there is a saying about "soon to be wives" : Men marry women hoping that won't change and they do. Women marry men hoping they will change and they don't.

All joking aside, my wife is a solid 3, not hunting yet but interested, but goes to USPSA Handgun competitions and shoots more than I do, so maybe this bumps her up to a 2? Other things going for her is she loves meat and tells me to not come home if I am unsuccessful on my hunts. Sigh...
Aug 7, 2017
Wife version 1.0 was a 9.

Version 2.0 is a 3.

Kid 1.0 is a 9, 2.0 a 5, 3.0 a 2 (all girls, with wife 2.0).

For me the difference was using a shared gmail calendar that shows on everybody's phones/computer, of all the crazy things. When I apply for tags I usually have a real good idea what I will be drawing that year and what the plan is. I put the dates on the shared calendar as early as April for hunts, scouting, anything and everything related. Those dates are sacred and protected. She also puts dates on when she wants to go on vacation or a trip she has planned and I work around those also. I also make arrangements with Grandma to pick up any slack in my duties for kiddo drop-off and pick-up, I prepare and freeze a bunch of crockpot meals, make arrangements to have my check ready for her to pick-up at work, et cetera. The easier I make things for her the easier it is for me when I get home.

I found life is much easier when I don't push her to get a tag and go hunting with me. About half the time she just want to go with me on a hunting trip and curl up in the trailer with a book while I go out in the woods. That has some definite benefits also.

Now my boss on the other hand at work....well...............he just doesn't get it and gives me hateful looks but has never pinched me on the calendar dates since he also knows about everything many months in advance.


Oct 2, 2014
My wife tells me to go hunt/fish...I get stir crazy around the house! Hell I went and fished a private pond the day after my wedding and left for the honey moon the next morning!

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May 29, 2012
Lewiston ID
Fiance' is a 1 for sure... I've also learned that stubbornness in a woman is a blessing and a curse. She refuses to complain or quit in the woods but she also about beat my ass when I strategically strapped her pack to mine before hiking out of a hell hole cause I knew she had twisted her knee and wouldn't give me the pack willingly....

We'll burn through 4 deer and 1/4 elk before the end of June this year, we eat that much wild game. She hates buying beef/pork. She knows I'll have one or two trips every year that are solo or guys only trips. Worst part about her is she prioritizes archery elk hunting.... and all I want to do is hunt mule deer.

Between being a business owner and a hunting fanatic it's hard to prioritize "us" time that doesn't include hunting. She still wants to take vacations and do things together other than hunt. And THAT is a hard thing to balance when I don't take time off from December to August due to grinding work out the door.




Jun 3, 2017
I am going with a solid 1 for mine. She enjoys duck hunting and loves fishing and hiking. She tagged along for two days on this years elk hunt. Mostly went for the hiking. Doesn't really have an interest in bowhunting deer or elk. She is most unhappy when the freezer gets low on fish duck deer or turkey. Bout the only meat that gets bought is salmon and there is no place to catch them around here and chicken. Haven't found a place that will let me whack them with my bow but I am keeping an eye out. She hasn't bought me a gun but I did buy her a shotgun and she researched and bought her on pistol. She never complains about how much I hunt. About the only thing she gets on me about is my diet and when I try to slip a little on training. She has a way better diet and trains 5-6 days a week year round. I cook and she cleans. Been together 23 years and I for dang sure ain't tradin, EVER.
Nov 7, 2012
Well seeing the rank and explanations all over the board we have a far from solid ranking system. I will say my wife is a 3. She lets me hunt pretty much as much as I want. She does complain abut the money a bit but she probably should. She loves to be in the outdoors and we camp all summer. Fish here and there. She hunts at any opportunity I give her. When we moved to Utah she killed a mule deer, antelope and an elk in this state before I did. She also gets into archery but that has been on hold for a while as she has been in school the last 5 years. This fall she will get back into archery and if she picks it up fast will bow hunt with me. She eats everything we harvest. If a 1 is booking the hunting trip and buying me a gun maybe she is a 2. She did let be buy a new varmint rifle ands a new CCC gun last year. She also went out on black Friday to get a rain check on a gun safe while I was in AZ scouting for an elk hunt.


Oct 3, 2013
OR Hunter back in Oregon
I would say my wife is a 5.
She has no interest in hunting or fishing. She has embraced my obsessive nature toward hunting in the last 10 years. When we were first married, it was a hobby. We are going on 28 years married, and she works as much or more as I do. Having some financial freedom goes a long ways. We actually carpool about 3 or 4 days a week. That is cash in the bank so to speak as others have called it. We struggle with finding time to do family vacations. Her number one complaint is I am worthless after hunting season because I usually come back with a back injury and bad knees. I think she hates Rokslide. That cost her at least 1 point.