I am literally in the EXACT same boat. I hunted waterfowl all over, relentlessly, for 10 straight years. I would say to my big game buddies "I can kill 7 ducks a day, every day. Why I would I care to go shoot ONE deer."
And then I caved and finally went elk hunting with some buddies. Killed a cow elk with my bow, and then a real nice buck, solo, after 17 days of hunting, during the first year. Then I killed my first "target" buck the next year.
I haven't really cared about waterfowl since then. That was 5 years ago. But I had a fully self trained duck dog that I JUST finished training, so I kept hunting waterfowl pretty heavily, just for her to be able to keep doing was she loved. She randomly got sick and died a few months ago. It was devastating, and now I don't care if I ever even shoot another duck or goose lol. RIP Ellie
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Scouting for, hunting, and killing big game just brings a different feeling. I feel like it's just more rewarding. Where as shooting ducks and geese was "fun", and having a good working dog was the rewarding part.