Correct, meant fundamentals.
I’m playing the market now for some short gains, but there’s no way in heck I think this Bullish rally is going to continue like I’m very hesitant to invest large amounts until we see the long term effects and response to covid, unemployment, etc. It’s still too early to tell how things will shake out long term and I think you would be foolish to have too much of your savings/portfolio invested right now thinking the worst is over - just my opinion. I have personally pulled about 80% of what I have back into cash earlier this month after reaping a good portion of the April bounce back. I sleep a lot better at night knowing that I have cash right now (although cash is arguably a loser too) with this volatile and unpredicatable market. I am swing trading the volatility with the other 20% to capitalize a bit. I will get back into equities heavily once the market settles after we see the long term effects, regardless of where it is - my guess is 2600 on the S&P. I’m not getting sucked in on FOMO, which might mean I could miss out on some substantial gains if we never see another pullback, but the fundamentals support the other side of that and by holding back now I certainly won’t lose 5-10years of growth if there is a pullback - much more concerned with protecting what I have vs getting greedy right now so I don’t see more six figure losses. Yes, just another “noob” throwing out the same advise others have, but I felt obligated to share my strategy in case it helps someone (arguably a pretty obvious “strategy”). I’m certainly not sitting here tossing around hot tickers so hopefully this isn’t perceived as bold or poor advise.