The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Correct, meant fundamentals.

I’m playing the market now for some short gains, but there’s no way in heck I think this Bullish rally is going to continue like I’m very hesitant to invest large amounts until we see the long term effects and response to covid, unemployment, etc. It’s still too early to tell how things will shake out long term and I think you would be foolish to have too much of your savings/portfolio invested right now thinking the worst is over - just my opinion. I have personally pulled about 80% of what I have back into cash earlier this month after reaping a good portion of the April bounce back. I sleep a lot better at night knowing that I have cash right now (although cash is arguably a loser too) with this volatile and unpredicatable market. I am swing trading the volatility with the other 20% to capitalize a bit. I will get back into equities heavily once the market settles after we see the long term effects, regardless of where it is - my guess is 2600 on the S&P. I’m not getting sucked in on FOMO, which might mean I could miss out on some substantial gains if we never see another pullback, but the fundamentals support the other side of that and by holding back now I certainly won’t lose 5-10years of growth if there is a pullback - much more concerned with protecting what I have vs getting greedy right now so I don’t see more six figure losses. Yes, just another “noob” throwing out the same advise others have, but I felt obligated to share my strategy in case it helps someone (arguably a pretty obvious “strategy”). I’m certainly not sitting here tossing around hot tickers so hopefully this isn’t perceived as bold or poor advise.
Just wanted to publicly say I’m sorry for sounding like a dick previously. I am a dick, no doubt and proud of it, but I didn’t mean to come off so harsh. I’ve had some shit sitting pretty heavy on me the last week and it’s starting to show on the surface.
DOW is now higher than it was in May or June last year. S&P is now higher than it was just this past fall in October. I've had a number of stock I'd like to buy in on but they've shot up like crazy this week for no real reason. So I'm hoping the market wakes up in the next few days and stocks drop back to more realistic prices.
I pulled of a sweet one today while fishing. I bought some crazy penny early, fished for redfish/trout into early afternoon. Had my limits set so no worries. Get back to the motel and something happened my sell limit didn’t kick in, luckily. I was up $1159 lol. I couldn’t click sell fast enough!

I bought into an overnight hold a bit ago, see how it goes. I’ll update win or lose in the AM.

Most importantly this Alaskan pretending to be a Texan caught my first DIY redfish and trout today, got the little ones figured out, now I need to figure out the big ones!

do you have a kayak? I used to kayak baits 100 to 300 yards off the beach, jetties when I lived in Texas .Caught big reds and shark.

congrats on trade
Gambled big and picked up 18 k shares of MGEN yesterday at .75. Dumping today for a quick profit. Bought some more Paypal yesterday near 141. Paypals been jumping up and down maybe looking for a stable price.

Bought some PVAC at lows this morning too.
Bought 1 k more shares of SAVE at 12.97 low today and added to SPIRIT DAL, ALK at lows today. Airlines a lot of oil were way down the first hour. Did more dollar cost averaging.

Probably sell a bunch before Friday lulls.
I picked up some DKNG options this morning. It’s crazy how fast they go up. One option was up $75 in 6 minutes after I bought it. I’m still learning about options so I’m not sure how long to hold them before bailing out.
I like to have about 10k to play around with penny stocks. This week I have GNUS & RNWK which have been on a terror and probably worth holding for a while. GNUS has a promising future, and I could see $5 by July. Picked up TISS on advice from someone on hear as a lottery ticket, and MGI on the UBER news. Been a good week, but I haven't sold yet, so from experience know I haven't made anything.
Whats your thoughts on Hertz now?

Very risky for the short term, but may be a good long term hold. They're getting bad press right now because the executives pulled big bonuses right before the bankruptcy filing. We'll see if they keep their jobs next year at the annual meeting. The fact that Carl Icahn dumped 55 million shares on Tuesday will shift voting power and possibly lead to a new group of executives.

The company has a base value that I believe is above the current share price because they have land holdings and 750,000 vehicles in their possession, a lot of them are leases, but a good chunk are owned.

That said, just for the hell of it, I picked up 750 shares yesterday at $.90 and 600 more at $1.01 for a long term hold.
Well I just sold my penny stock from yesterday, 8% gain. SQBG, it’s been under $1 for a year, could be a RS soon, I’m not holding long!

I did a review of every stock under $1 I’ve ever made a profit on since 2018. I removed any losses, just the profits. About 80% have dropped 99% since I sold them due to reverse splits. 10% are delisted.

I’m only posting this to say be careful on pennies, don’t hold too long, set a good stop loss. 8% gain today is better than 50% loss tomorrow due to RS news. You then need 6 more 8% gains to get back even.
Very risky for the short term, but may be a good long term hold. They're getting bad press right now because the executives pulled big bonuses right before the bankruptcy filing. We'll see if they keep their jobs next year at the annual meeting. The fact that Carl Icahn dumped 55 million shares on Tuesday will shift voting power and possibly lead to a new group of executives.

The company has a base value that I believe is above the current share price because they have land holdings and 750,000 vehicles in their possession, a lot of them are leases, but a good chunk are owned.

That said, just for the hell of it, I picked up 750 shares yesterday at $.90 and 600 more at $1.01 for a long term hold.
Good call Thunder! I watched it at .59 and thought really hard about buying. Coulda quickly tripled on that. But anything around a 1.00, I dont see a ton of downside from there.
Well I got into DCAR last week, had a trailing stop loss of 6% due to the merger rumors. It hit the stop loss and sold at $1.04 for a 10% gain. I was a bit bummed as it went higher, to about $1.25 before droping back to $.80. I was tempted to buy back in but resisted. Today the merger was announced and it shot way up in minutes before settling back down again. Remember to take a profit when you can.


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Yep, helluva stock. Made some great money with that one....

Holding substantial cash too. Waiting for the market to get a bit bloody again...
What's a good price to get in on HLX? Looks pretty steady with not much swing but has had a good run the last week, don't want to buy too high
Depends on how you look at it... short or long? They traded around $10 pre Corona. They are a solid company that is not reliant on drilling. They do well intervention. So, my personal thoughts is you will make money no matter what if you invest now and are not looking for instant big profits. They could keep rising steady or may slow down a bit. But they aren't laying off employees and are fully running so the infrastructure is there. Bank of America upgraded them to a Buy yesterday. I believe they are still undervalued. These are entirely my thoughts and don't take them as advice. Do your research and make an educated decision based on what you're hoping for.

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