The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Took a total flyer on HPNN 25K shares and ASTI 5k shares, very small amounts of cash with high hopes in returns.
Was going to buy ASTI back at .005 a share, up to .082 for a high today, I got in on the morning low.
HPNN just seems like they got a chance to get into the dime, quarter, maybe a buck range if they can land a good contract.

🍻 Here's to getting a few right and a paid off mortgage!
Dip across most of my stocks, poor timing as I didnt have tons of cash handy... but snagged some more TSNP.

SANP finally got back to my PPS so I sold and no longer holding that junk... possibility it could go up a bit more but I just lost all faith in them as a company. They just feel like its not legit... or at least not a business I should have tried to invest in.
Also picked up some ETFM yesterday on someones recco. 10 minute DD it looked like a P&D to me, which I am not above engaging in.
I dunno, ETFM is gaining real traction in the covid mitigation field, signing contracts left and right, airports, etc.
Normally we'd think their services would be short-lived but with this never ending virus/variants and the company's expertise in santizarion, this thing could explode.

I tried to sell Friday but it didn't hit my .0045 sell, thankfully! It's doubled since then.
Hopeful this thing might see a dime = $150K

If I've learned one thing about trading over the last year, it's that there is no substitute for number of shares. More is always better.
Pot stocks are insane today lol craziest investments I've owned. Come a long way since 2017.
I dunno, ETFM is gaining real traction in the covid mitigation field, signing contracts left and right, airports, etc.
Normally we'd think their services would be short-lived but with this never ending virus/variants and the company's expertise in santizarion, this thing could explode.

I tried to sell Friday but it didn't hit my .0045 sell, thankfully! It's doubled since then.
Hopeful this thing might see a dime = $150K

If I've learned one thing about trading over the last year, it's that there is no substitute for number of shares. More is always better.
Even if COVID goes by the wayside (not happening for awhile) I think people are going to be all freaked out about every new virus/bug that is found for the next couple years. Hell, even the flu is going to be a big deal. People are going to finally pay attention to numbers and freak out even if they have stayed the same for 20 years.
You might get hit with a 'wash sale' premium, be careful. If you've bought/sold same day they might jack your entry price. Ask me how I know.
What can they do to my price? I put in another identical order to yesterday's 5M @ .0002.
What can they do to my price? I put in another identical order to yesterday's 5M @ .0002.
A wash sale occurs when you sell or trade stock or securities at a loss and within 30 days of the sale (either before or after), you purchase the same—or a "substantially identical"—investment.

So you sell your GME for a $500 loss today. Tomorrow (within 30 days) you buy GME again for a bunch cheaper. Your broker will adjust your new purchase so you are -$500 on your newly purchased shares. Thank the IRS.
A wash sale occurs when you sell or trade stock or securities at a loss and within 30 days of the sale (either before or after), you purchase the same—or a "substantially identical"—investment.

So you sell your GME for a $500 loss today. Tomorrow (within 30 days) you buy GME again for a bunch cheaper. Your broker will adjust your new purchase so you are -$500 on your newly purchased shares. Thank the IRS.
yeh. that rule sucks