The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

At what point to you stop applying pressure to the wound, and just cut off the limb? Asking for a friend
As down as things have been this whole week, I wouldn’t sell out of anything for a loss right now. This week everyone decided to be dumbasses again over corona. It’ll pass and they will all be ready to rally again. Even if you don’t get back to big profits, by holding until next week or so, you should atleast be able to break even.
Friday is usually the worst day for penny day/swing trades. Most sell for profit or cut losses on Friday’s as who knows what news/offerings/RS pop up over 2 days off. Every time I start looking at a scalp I back out, nothing looking attractive today.

I think I’ll read my new CJ Box book today after I get done with the chores and it gets hot. Have a good weekend everyone, stay safe!
At what point to you stop applying pressure to the wound, and just cut off the limb? Asking for a friend

Personally, I determine that point when I first inflict the wound. Most of my positions I have confidence long term so I have pretty drastic stop-loss setup. Some where around 30%

On cheap stocks I actually just set up alerts instead of stop loss orders. I like to evaluate those day by day.
I'd wait a while longer.

The bloods not through being let yet.

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Totally agree. Just watching. Edit: Most as snugging up to their 50 day MA

Not sure what to make of AAL "filling planes to capacity" in July. Think it's a sign, they're in deep trouble. They already weren't doing great, so they need these planes full to stop the hemorrhage.
Totally agree. Just watching. Not sure what to make of AAL "filling planes to capacity" in July. Think it's a sign, they're in deep trouble. They already weren't doing great, so they need these planes full to stop the hemorrhage.
With the announcement about the EU and other countries shutting down flights from US I sold half my positions I think LUV will be back in the mid 20s and DAL below 20 soon.
Yeah we all knew AAL was in trouble already. It's just going to take one report saying bookings are down again and the whole industry will tank back to April levels. Really wish I would've shorted AAL after the 75% run a couple weeks ago.

I couldn’t help myself, I jumped in Idex, quick hit. Looking for the door now

I couldn’t help myself, I jumped in Idex, quick hit. Looking for the door now
This stock has been the weirdest one I've seen yet. That Hinderburg hit piece seems to have taken a massive toll. I see speculation about lawsuits and libel against them. Some point out that big institutions have invested there and argue that it proves IDEX's legitimacy. But it's hard to know for sure, which causes uncertainty, hence the tanking stock price. If IDEX turns out to be completely legit, today's $1.20 share price could have been an unbelievable bargain. Time will tell.
Well I’m up a couple hundred bucks, I’m looking to fill the gap to $1.94, so I’m either gonna collapse and lose here or get close to that, but I don’t want to hold over the weekend cause this is on RH, so limited AH, PM hoses you on early and late runs

This was posted on a forum, this is early mistakes most make when starting out, and why I recommend playing with small funds until you figure it out.

You can see panic sell, FOMO, panic sell, this is what experienced traders rely on to play pennies. A big drop, a quick rise and sell to FOMO. If you miss it, let it go.
So Dman is buying big in this stock, says over $1, he’s in at $0.83, has more in another account at .82. It’s up to .85, if it dips I’ll take a bit, but he has $200k into it and seems to know a bit, so I may buy a nibble and let it ride for a bit, try for 15% or so.

WPG ticker. I haven’t researched it yet, but worth looking into.

So Dman is buying big in this stock, says over $1, he’s in at $0.83, has more in another account at .82. It’s up to .85, if it dips I’ll take a bit, but he has $200k into it and seems to know a bit, so I may buy a nibble and let it ride for a bit, try for 15% or so.

WPG ticker. I haven’t researched it yet, but worth looking into.

I don't see strip malls, not even fancy ones, doing well in the near future. Pump and dump.
I don't see strip malls, not even fancy ones, doing well in the near future. Pump and dump.

Oh absolutely, I’m not buying any stocks right now, only renting them haha. The stocks I’m playing in are all questionable, even CV19 plays.

Every time a pharma gets a big bounce they have a stock offering to fund more research. There’s rumors now of VXRT having a $5 offering soon, which would be almost 1/3 if it’s recent peak. If that happens there will be a massive sell off, followed by a decent jump. I love buying after an offering, get a 10-20% bounce after the sell volume settles.