The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Dumped SBUX yesterday for minimal gains, about 2%. Bought into COTY yesterday close to the days lows. Today its up 12% so far. Don't know how long i'll hold yet.

Still holding DAL, T, DFS, and MRO. Also have two ETF's, VOE and VBR.

Is anyone thinking about transitioning to cash over the next week or two with 2nd quarter earnings coming in the near future?

I sold quite a few long holds this week and last week. At this point I feel like we will have President Biden and I don’t think the market will react well. Politics aside, trump has been pretty business friendly so I don’t think they will be excited for the change.
For any of you that are interested in trading options, you should give it a try. Ive been doing some research and learning, but I'm still only poking around. Ive been doing pretty good so far with them. If there is a stock that you are pretty confident will increase in price in the next 30-60 days, buy an option on it for a strike price you feel it will reach or surpass. I did really well with options on DKNG and Im currently doing pretty good with VLO CCL, and HAL options. You can only lose the premium you pay so if you are working with a sub $20 stock, you aren't out much.
Be careful with options. They can seem lucrative but it goes both ways. In your research look up look up theta, delta, and implied volatility. Take it slow and read. The quickest way to blow up your account is playing with options.
Once you get a handle on them you can do more advanced techniques like spreads, butterflies, iron condors etc. They are the more conservative approach to using options. Options are a whole different animal.
Be careful with options. They can seem lucrative but it goes both ways. In your research look up look up theta, delta, and implied volatility. Take it slow and read. The quickest way to blow up your account is playing with options.
Once you get a handle on them you can do more advanced techniques like spreads, butterflies, iron condors etc. They are the more conservative approach to using options. Options are a whole different animal.
I’m familiar with the Greeks and the other terms you listed. But I’m not sure what you mean by blow up your account? You can’t lose anymore than what you paid for the premium. Is there something I’m not understanding on this?
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Partially correct, options are defined risk so the maximum you can lose is the premium you pay. In order for you to exercise, the contract must be "in the money" for you to exercise it. Out of the money at expiration its worthless. So you lose what you paid, you get no shares, and the seller got the entire premium.

I wasn't saying you were going to blow up your account. I've just seen many people jump in and start gambling with them. Way out of the money, expiration the next day etc. Keep educating yourself, be smart, and you'll figure it out.
Bought PEIX on Friday at $.63. It had a good run today might take profits tomorrow.
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For any of you that are interested in trading options, you should give it a try. Ive been doing some research and learning, but I'm still only poking around. Ive been doing pretty good so far with them. If there is a stock that you are pretty confident will increase in price in the next 30-60 days, buy an option on it for a strike price you feel it will reach or surpass. I did really well with options on DKNG and Im currently doing pretty good with VLO CCL, and HAL options. You can only lose the premium you pay so if you are working with a sub $20 stock, you aren't out much.
Same here. Ive been paper trading options the past few weeks to get the hang of it. Putting in orders with prices that id actually consider doing with my actual money... needless to say...i wish i would have used my actual money i bought a HLX call with my actual account after paper trading and didn't spend much just to test the waters and am well in the green. I still have plenty to learn and keep practicing, but like you said, the upside is huge if you make good choices

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Is anybody else stuck on the sidelines with these peaks? I sold quite a few over the last ten days and as such I'm on the outside looking in.
I'm popping in and getting a few bargains and trading accordingly, but it's killing me to be sitting on so much cash right now.
Any real (solid) bargains out there that aren't near current highs?
Is anybody else stuck on the sidelines with these peaks? I sold quite a few over the last ten days and as such I'm on the outside looking in.
I'm popping in and getting a few bargains and trading accordingly, but it's killing me to be sitting on so much cash right now.
Any real (solid) bargains out there that aren't near current highs?

I’m with you. I’m nickel and diming day trades, that’s about it. So many hit high dollars I decided I wanted out for a bit. I may be wrong, but I feel like a lot is over priced for the earnings loss this year.
Is anybody else stuck on the sidelines with these peaks? I sold quite a few over the last ten days and as such I'm on the outside looking in.
I'm popping in and getting a few bargains and trading accordingly, but it's killing me to be sitting on so much cash right now.
Any real (solid) bargains out there that aren't near current highs?
Oh yea, I've not done much today besides the one play. Too many gaining . I'm likely only good during recovery periods. I'm waaay to much of a bargain hunter

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What do you guys think of VAL? I'm looking more for long term , I'm not a day trader

Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk
Thats pretty shitty. Not sure why anyone would jeopardize their reputation for $100.00. Hopefully the admins get it all figured out. If you have all the messages to prove what you say, It should be as easy as: he sends you a $100 or he gets the Ban hammer.
I did receive the $100 today so that has been taken care of. He says he has not received stock, not really much I can do about that, I sent to the address he gave me and it was delivered according to the tracking. I know if it was me and I had a $600 stock on the way and knew by the tracking number when it would be delivered, if I wasn’t going to be home I would make other arrangements, someone else pic it up, or have the post office hold it.