The Queen is Dead

The entire concept of a Monarchy is just stupid. Being born should not qualify you to lead a nation. I am amazed at the money wasted so these royals can live an entitled life of luxury at the tax payers expense. It really disgusts me. It is sad that she died but it's too bad the monarchy doesn't die with her.
Empires always seem to have somewhat of an abusive attitude towards the groups conquered and subjugated. It’s a structural issue…. How they are built encourages that sort of thing. And the Brit’s are not alone in this. Roman, Ottoman, Mongol, Dutch, French, Russian, Spanish, JeffBezos… the list is a long one. And today we have a fair amount of economic imperialism where the subjugators get to pretend it’s not an empire.

The head of state of an empire usually does not act with a totally free hand but must maintain the support of the upper echelons of the governed. On the flip side, Empires both real and financial have brought some benefit and ”civilizing influence” …. roads, schools, hospitals, trade….

I’m not a fan of royalty as a concept, but democracy also seems to have its flaws If you’re paying attention. Look at the high percentage of jackassses, idiots, and corrupt dirtbags we’ve managed to elect over the years. Paralysis seems to be the structural flaw of democracy, and we just install a new batch of liars, criminals, or wide eyed idealists every four years. The structure of our government and our press encourages both to pander to simplistic viewpoints and ideologies in exchange for votes and add revenue Instead of really leading and doing the hard unglamorous work of governing and informing a nation.

I’ve been thinking about it for close to fifty years and I don’t have an answer for the problems identified. I think democracy is the best way to go, but we need to figure out a way to keep it from turning into a circus. Instead of voter ID tests…maybe we need voter IQ tests.?

As to the Queen, IMO she was a calm and dignified presence in a world of craziness. She inherited the structure of the Empire and did the best she could to see it through its troubled and inevitable dissolution. Even though her only real power was that of a figurehead.
Well, as flawed as democracy (or pseudo-democracy, more commonly) can be, it’s still probably better than being subordinated to a hereditary ruling class of dimwitted inbred nonces. :unsure:

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She was very much a hand on the rudder for a country that endured tremendous change. It was her stolid leadership and knowing “how things are done” that kept the UK righted, from seeing the rebuilding of a literally bombed out England, to colonies fighting for and winning independence, to all the internal strife that ran through the royal family.

She Kept Calm and Carried On.

We could learn a thing or two from her.
care to elaborate on the tremedous change...from where i sit, she is no Peter the Great. To the contrary, the U.K. has suffered more loss and tragedy under her reign than any other monarch in Great Britians history...the loss of the pounds reserve status, deindustrialisation, the loss of former colonies, allowing floods of migrants into the U.K., a morally corrupt family, the knighting of war criminals T Blair and his cockblocker Gavin williamson, etc. Can anybody actually think of any good that has come from her. Lets call a spade a spade. She has no enduring legacy. Has done nothing to enhance the nation.

She seemed like a nice lady, much like my neighborhood's 90+yo walmart door greeter lady who never fails to put a smile on my face, a spring in my step, and subtle reinforcement in sense of purpose.
Even that perception doesn’t really hold up; for one thing, she wasn’t very nice to her daughter- and granddaughter-in-law.
This truly captures the diversity of feeling for the passing of a long-reigning monarch:


And now Sir Noncealot ascends to the throne:

Pretentious elitism. Sheeple wanting someone to worship.
She may have very well been a good person, I don't know.
Being born into pretend fairy tale lives does not make anyone better than the rest...
May she be in Paradise.
She wasn't my queen & for the life of me I'll never understand why people care about these "royals". Just a bunch of worthless pedo protectors who are "above" the laws everyone else has to follow. Like not having to pay her 40% estate taxes