The perfect tripod

Today it got really weird and I’ve been contemplating all afternoon what I should do so here goes.
This morning I put an ad in the classifieds looking for a RRS Anvil 30. I got a pm from a guy (1st screen shot) so I texted him and then he replied with word for word copy/paste from an old classified ad (2nd and 3rd pic) and then added some lingo of his own.
Here’s a link to that thread that he stole the info from so you can see he’s obviously trying to scam me.

Also want to give a shout out to 771Sallee ( Bill) guy in the link above. He reached out to me with good info on his RRS setup and told me he sold his Anvil 30. If he hadn’t reached out to me, I wouldn’t have looked him up, seen his closed classified ad and I probably would’ve sent the scammer some cash and received fukall in return.
I thought really hard about covering up the scammers handle and phone number in the screen shots but decided not to since he was deliberately lying and trying to extort money. I hate a liar and a thief!
Glad I could help. That picture reminds me I still have that ceiling fan in my garage I need to install.
I'm running a few different ranger/summit soar leofoto tripods with an anvil30 atop. I was just at a 2 day NRL match last weekend comparing my tripods to some the RRS costing 3x the price, I found little difference in function and stability. I've also owned the two vets no name Jr, and pva comp 40. Very pleased with my leofoto!
I just got a Leofoto this week. Super sturdy and attaches to the arca rail on my XLR. Holds rock solid in all positions. Haven't shot with it yet, but already can see how stable it is. Was expecting some weakness holding the rifle with no support, but locks super tight. RRS is the gold standard, but I don't use the best scopes or rifles out there either so this will work for me.
I just got a Leofoto this week. Super sturdy and attaches to the arca rail on my XLR. Holds rock solid in all positions. Haven't shot with it yet, but already can see how stable it is. Was expecting some weakness holding the rifle with no support, but locks super tight. RRS is the gold standard, but I don't use the best scopes or rifles out there either so this will work for me
I'm running a few different ranger/summit soar leofoto tripods with an anvil30 atop. I was just at a 2 day NRL match last weekend comparing my tripods to some the RRS costing 3x the price, I found little difference in function and stability. I've also owned the two vets no name Jr, and pva comp 40. Very pleased with my leofoto!
Which model leofoto is your favorite? Considering mostly shooting but long glassing sessions occasionally.
It was actually one recommend in a tripod thread on here. LS-324C+LH-40. ITs my favorite cause its the only one I've touched. But I am a lands urveyor so my experience with tripod stablility is going on over 20 years!
I recently got a Leofoto 365. It is really steady. Little heavy at 5 points but think it provides some good stability
I had one of those too. It was super stable and just a little heavier than I wanted to pack around. Someone on here turned me into the Q series line and I went with the LQ-284c and make an adapter for my anvil-30. I went thru quite a few tripods to get here, but I'm happy with the size to strength with this one.
Which model leofoto is your favorite? Considering mostly shooting but long glassing sessions occasionally.
I have the ls-323c and the so-282c. The ls-323c is my jack of all trades, shooting glassing. The so282 is primarily for rear support in prs on some stages. I run an rrs anvil atop whichever tripod I'm using. I dislike 4 section leg tripods due to set up time, that's why I love the 323c, only two locks per leg, and it's very light and also stable. Once my new so-322c comes in I'll be experimenting with so282. It's inverted and only has one locking collar per leg. I'll be cutting the legs to make a hunting tripod the will work for all field shooting/glassing from kneeling positions on down. I've noticed hunting I'm rarely glassing with my spotter standing, and rarely ever will I shoot hunting from standing tripod. So I'll make this tripod into the perfect light weight hunter.
What's it like to shoot from a TFCT-14L with anvil? I'm 6'1". I'm looking for a lightweight tripod, doesn't have to be the lightest. I would probably get the 24L, but RRS says they probably won't have any for sale in next couple of months. I have a hunt in October. I mostly am curious if, at 6'1" I could comfortably shoot from a 14L with anvil?
What's it like to shoot from a TFCT-14L with anvil? I'm 6'1". I'm looking for a lightweight tripod, doesn't have to be the lightest. I would probably get the 24L, but RRS says they probably won't have any for sale in next couple of months. I have a hunt in October. I mostly am curious if, at 6'1" I could comfortably shoot from a 14L with anvil?
Seated and low kneeling it’s not bad. Any higher becomes hard. The 24l is appreciably steadier in all positions.

I got a 24l this year from a dealer, and have a 14 with an anvil. I was going to sell the 14 after getting the 24 but I can’t see getting rid of it. I can’t see myself carrying the 24 on in high foot mileage hunts
I just picked up a two vets “the kit” tripod to use for both PRS and day hunting. Havent used it that much yet but I used a friends at a match and liked it enough to buy one. I’m 6’3” and I can glass standing up without any hunching. Its plenty stable enough to shoot off of. I think tripod alone is a little under 3.5lb. Not “lightweight” but a lot lighter than many similar ones and tall-enough for me, seems fairly similar to the rrs 24 in size and weight, looks like height is in-between the 24 and 24l.
Has anyone found the perfect tripod? What I’m getting at is, is there a tripod that checks all, or at least most of the boxes? Is it light enough to be used backpack hunting? Is it sturdy enough to shoot off of so you don’t have to carry a bipod too? Is it tall enough to glass standing and or shoot standing? Does it pack down compact enough to get in your pack or at least strapped to the outside without being to big?
I am looking for it if it does exist but I feel like it may be a unicorn so I’m interested in what y’all are using if it’s checks most of the boxes.
Typically standing up the legs need to be big enough to not vibrate when its extended or you may not like it. Most of the backpacking tripods are light and have smaller legs so you sacrifice some stability and they are mostly made for kneeling down.

I would look at these two:

The Swarovski is probably the lightest one that is stout enough to do what you're asking. The Befree works good in the first two leg sections but after that it gets a little wobbly.

So what’s the verdict on tripod options
RRS top of the line
Two vets good option
What else could someone look at?
I’m wanting to purchase a tripod setup and run the anvil ball head. Not trying to to break the bank either.

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In that circumstance, buy the anvil and a set Two Vets legs. I believe Two vets sells an insert such that the anvil will be captured instead of just screwed on, which is the better way to go.

Unless your bank is bigger, and then just get the full RRS set-up.

Yeah I was thinking that
Which two vets tripod do you recommend?

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So what’s the verdict on tripod options
RRS top of the line
Two vets good option
What else could someone look at?
I’m wanting to purchase a tripod setup and run the anvil ball head. Not trying to to break the bank either.

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Make sure whatever you get if it’s off brand that the interface with anvil allows for more than just the stud to keep it on. With just a stud your going to be swearing every time you pan left.

What tripod I’d choose would ultimately depend on my desired application. Unfortunately I don’t think once size fits all when it comes to shooting off a tripod.

I personally couldn’t see spending the money on a two vets when I can buy a US made version. The anvil head interface alone is worth the extra in my mind. But I get that it’s significantly more money.
Make sure whatever you get if it’s off brand that the interface with anvil allows for more than just the stud to keep it on. With just a stud your going to be swearing every time you pan left.

What tripod I’d choose would ultimately depend on my desired application. Unfortunately I don’t think once size fits all when it comes to shooting off a tripod.

I personally couldn’t see spending the money on a two vets when I can buy a US made version. The anvil head interface alone is worth the extra in my mind. But I get that it’s significantly more money.

If I don’t go two vets or RRS, what option do you recommend?

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If I don’t go two vets or RRS, what option do you recommend?

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It really depends on what your willing to carry, and what positions you’re going to shoot in?

I have an ascent 14 with anvil and no center column and a 24L with anvil currently.

The 14 is only really good for seated and kneeling shooting in my opinion. Can be made to work higher but by that time I’m focusing too much on my wobble and not enough on trigger control.

The 24L is another league of stability. Near prone stability is attainable but it does require some technique, just not as much as the 14 does.

When I bought the 24L I fully expected to sell the 14, but I can’t see doing that after getting it. I think the 14 will still have a place in my pack when backpacking or doing higher mileage hunts.

It’s all a trade off.

Some more positives of the RRS
-You can call them if stuff goes wrong and get replacement parts readily.
-Usually more stability per ounce
-The anvil interface allows the legs to fold up nice and compact. Not much on paper but it’s noticeable when it’s hanging off the side of a pack.
-US made, they are obviously proud of that.

If you have any other questions specifically about the above two I’d be happy to answer. Iv gotten to play with quite a few different tripods at matches, including the rrs 3 series, but I can’t necessarily rattle all the names off.
It really depends on what your willing to carry, and what positions you’re going to shoot in?

I have an ascent 14 with anvil and no center column and a 24L with anvil currently.

The 14 is only really good for seated and kneeling shooting in my opinion. Can be made to work higher but by that time I’m focusing too much on my wobble and not enough on trigger control.

The 24L is another league of stability. Near prone stability is attainable but it does require some technique, just not as much as the 14 does.

When I bought the 24L I fully expected to sell the 14, but I can’t see doing that after getting it. I think the 14 will still have a place in my pack when backpacking or doing higher mileage hunts.

It’s all a trade off.

Some more positives of the RRS
-You can call them if stuff goes wrong and get replacement parts readily.
-Usually more stability per ounce
-The anvil interface allows the legs to fold up nice and compact. Not much on paper but it’s noticeable when it’s hanging off the side of a pack.
-US made, they are obviously proud of that.

If you have any other questions specifically about the above two I’d be happy to answer. Iv gotten to play with quite a few different tripods at matches, including the rrs 3 series, but I can’t necessarily rattle all the names off.

I see what your saying
Sucks that it’s so hard to find them in stock.
So if I am understanding this correctly, if I were to pick one, the 24L is the one. I’ve never shot off a tripod so i am open to all suggestions. Again I’ll be glassing with 10x42, 15x56 binos and shooting my rifle off it.

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