The Kifaru Duplex frame (MMR) & bag versatility~ (one modular pack fans journey)


If any one is interested, I am going to be listing for sale fairly soon my "Oregon Pack Works" "Greengate" pack body that is shown in this thread. It is about 3300 ci and my mine weighs right at 2 lbs. 4os. It is the one pictured in post #7 in the Predator Deception Pattern.
BTW- Regarding the Cargo Panel, I talked with Kevin this morning concerning the weight difference and other differences of the military vs the hunting Cargo Panel. I wanted to ask him because I am actually going to be selling my cargo panel that is pictured above.

Kevin said the Military one is 1000 cordura and has the pals webbing on the back to attach pocket on the back side. The hunting version is 500 cordura and has no pals webbing to attach pockets on the back side of panel.

Weight of just the panel itself: ( all the connector straps are the same)

Military panel: 17.5 oz. ( 1000 Cordura and pals)

Hunting panel: 14 oz. ( 500 cordura and no pals webbing)

So not much difference as far as weight

Are you sure about the weight of the Military cargo panel? The Kifaru website has it listed at 1 lb, 15oz. I was already to buy one until I saw the weight. The hunting one at 14 oz with no PALs webbing sounds like what I'm after.

I did some more research on the Kifaru site and found the 1 lb, 15 oz includes the L&L #3 pocket and all the straps and hardware.
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Are you sure about the weight of the Military cargo panel? The Kifaru website has it listed at 1 lb, 15oz. I was already to buy one until I saw the weight. The hunting one at 14 oz with no PALs webbing sounds like what I'm after.

I did some more research on the Kifaru site and found the 1 lb, 15 oz includes the L&L #3 pocket and all the straps and hardware.


I quoted above exactly what Kevin told me this morning. When I asked him the differences between the 2 and the weight difference- He said- " Wait a moment- let me take the 2 panels (Mil. And hunting) and go weigh them"- then he came back and gave me the 2 weights that I listed above.

And when I came home for lunch I weighed my Military one ( panel only)- and it weighed right at 17.5 oz.-same as Kevin said the one he weighed this morning at Kifaru.

You are correct about the L&L pocket and all the hardware that comes with them- But.... there is a pile of hardware that is in that kit- and it includes all of the Hardware that you would need to attach the panel to a Molle frame on top of the ones for the duplex frame. You only need about 6-8 or so sets of buckles and straps to attach the panel to a MMR or EMR.

The cargo Panel itself weighs about exactly what my old MR load sling weighed- so it is not as heavy as I first thought.




shown with panel on the MMR frame ( with the Panel attached at the 2nd connection point down on the back of the panel- so the top upper section of the panel is folded over the top and that part is on the inside of the panel -away from the camera).

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Stephen B wrote this up last year and I wanted to bump it back up to the top as its one awesome post and is the reason behind me going with an MMR and checking it out. I am rolling with a trizip from Camelbak to the frame with Cargo panel and a bunch of L&L and either large Pod or Med KU Pod depending on my load out.

Wanted to also let stephen know that posts like these are what innovates our ability and possibilities on how we configure our packs.

Good stuff.
Stephen B wrote this up last year and I wanted to bump it back up to the top as its one awesome post and is the reason behind me going with an MMR and checking it out. I am rolling with a trizip from Camelbak to the frame with Cargo panel and a bunch of L&L and either large Pod or Med KU Pod depending on my load out.

Wanted to also let stephen know that posts like these are what innovates our ability and possibilities on how we configure our packs.

Good stuff.

Thanks for the comments.

And bringing this up shows how things change. Since this thread I have gone to a lighter all around pack- a Stone Glacier pack. I did it mostly for the weight savings. I still stand by my earlier stance that the Duplex frame from Kifaru is the most modular and best all around hybrid frame out there. I swear I could almost mount any pack bag to it. But I usually now just go with stock bag from same maker. I have also thinned out some bags and only now have what I use the most, with a couple extra to have Son in laws or friends use.

I still have a Kifaru cargo panel from the Duplex, but will probably be selling it, as I have never really used it in the field. And now that I do not have a Duplex - really do not have a need for it.

As far as the Stone Glacier- I really like it. The Kifaru belt on the Duplex is a little better for me, but not enough for a couple more pounds. I rarely pack more than 90 lbs for any distance ( I am 5'8" and 160-165 lbs) ; and for the Stone Glacier pack that weight (to haul 90 lbs) is just fine for me.

We are fortunate right now to have a number of quality packs to choose from- from pack makers making packs right here in the USA.
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I have a Hi-Dice, and just tried mounting it to my Kifaru MMR frame as well. Do you have pics of your attachments at the top of the frame? Great post on the flexibility of the MMR frame.
Here's my MMR/Hi-Dice set-up. I'm using a 24" frame and as Kifaru would say, it is not 'aesthetically pleasing' with the MR Hi-Dice pack mounted. However, it is functional and I found it to ride better than the NICE frame that the Hi-Dice came with. Mounting was fairly straightforward with a couple of buckles that I borrowed from my MR SATL, which I pretty much use for spare parts anyway. The Hi-Dice uses male buckles for the compression straps on one side and females on the other. So all I needed to do was mount 2 female repair buckles on each side of the frame using the MMR sewn-in loops. Then I replaced 2 females buckles on the compression straps with male auto-locks from my SATL. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this configuration in the future, but wanted to give it a try. If I did continue to use the set-up than I would cut a z-rest or similar foam pad and attach to the bottom to fill-in the gap and allow the pack to sit properly on the ground.

I also added one repair slider buckle on each side, so I could attach the upper straps from the waistbelt directly to the pack, instead of the frame.

The spacing on the bag holes and the frame suspension straps are slightly off, but still function appropriately.