I don't blame you for packing a "heavy" shelter. My Hilleberg Tarra weighs 8.5lbs but it's 8.5 lbs of bombproof bliss on the mtn and it doesn't have a heater!So a little over 4lbs each. But, my partner wanted to use his Black Diamond TiPi so we did. About 3lbs, plus we each packed visqueen ground sheets and I put my down BA Zirkle bag/pad in a 8oz cover/bivi. I don't know what all that weighed (tipi, visqueen, bivi) maybe 5lbs total? It was a wet, drafty shelter. On this years wet, wet hunt I really missed my dry, warm, Hilly. For another 2lbs each we could have had a much better shelter. I've never been climbing up an mountain and thinking.... "ug, I wish my pack was 2lbs lighter..." Heck, I probably lost 2 lbs the first 2 days!
I also pack a little heavy on food, I need it. Gotta feed the machine! Optics, hey..... if you got it flaunt it... you can't hunt what you can't see!
I think the "golite or go home" mentality has become a "lightweight" obsession. At some point saving 2 or 3 lbs can come at too big of a cost. If a guy is wet, cold, tired and hungry he's not up to his game and could be headed to bad situation. The better shelter, bag, clothes, food or whatever at 3lbs can be worth it's weight in gold, as you just proved on this hunt. Nice job Steve. Good to see your still at it.
Thank you for the awesome write up Steve !
Only 1 lb of food per day?! That's awesome. This is where I feel like I struggle. Mind sharing some of your lightweight food ideas?
Nice write up Steve, looks like a fun time! Congrats on the rams!