The Day Six Gear Dragonfly $$$ GIVEAWAY $$$

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2- I use a knife forged by my cousin ... he was on that show Forged In Fire a couple times...
Its not a name brand obviously, but its awesome to use for caping and some of the heavier cutting...

His description of it when he gave it to me:

The steel is 5160 and the handle is Italian Olive wood. I call it a "rustic hunter", nothing fancy, but design. Just a heavy duty hunter made in a one day knife class I do. It started as 2" x5" piece of 1/4" 5160. Forged to shape and Quenched in conala oil at approx 1525 degrees and torched tempered to a straw color at the cutting edge. Bevel was sanded in on a 2x72 grinder and finished to a 220 grit, no hand sanding.

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Rokslide and Day Six Gear have teamed up to giveaway a Dragonfly Knife.

The rules are simple.

#1 Subscribe to the Day Six Gear Newsletter Here
#2 Post up what knife you are currently using below.

The winner will be announced on August 1.

Good Luck!

You can preorder the knife now.
Using a MeatEater brand that came in a gift box from my skeet club.
Gerber Gator Folding and a Victorinox Fibrox Boning Knife. Regardless of what my primary knife is I'll always keep the boning knife in my field kit! I'd be happy to replace the folding Gerber though. It has good steel but I tire of cleaning the folding mechanism!
Primarily a Havalon guy since I've always had a hard time keeping a fixed blade sharp enough to my liking. I'm pretty intrigued by this design. It seems to solve that problem! Using MagnaCut steel so it'll hold an edge INSANELY long and also a second edge if that first one does dull up! Go into the field with both sides sharp and you'll NEVER need a backup knife!