Say you have a tiny budget. You already have a good pair of binos & you need a spotting scope.
Your budget won't let you buy the kind of glass you can use to count points at a mile distance.
You need something that'll let you know if there are Elk across the valley, but you don't need to know if any of them are bulls.
You can spend $150 and not one cent more.
What do you do?
No cop-out "Save & buy Zeiss/Swaro" answers please.
Your budget won't let you buy the kind of glass you can use to count points at a mile distance.
You need something that'll let you know if there are Elk across the valley, but you don't need to know if any of them are bulls.
You can spend $150 and not one cent more.
What do you do?
No cop-out "Save & buy Zeiss/Swaro" answers please.