The 1 Thing You Learned- Bear Hunting

Sometimes when you see a bear far away it’s better to watch and set up closer next time your out. Especially early season they tend to be easier to pattern.
I’ve chased a bear two miles away, twice... Only to look back to where I was glassing from and see a bear that popped out closer.
Finding bears can be very easy or very hard depending on multiple factors I have not completely figured out yet. We got a bear three years in a row doing spot and stalk, and I was beginning to think it was relatively easy. There were trips we would see multiple bears in one evening. Last year we hit all the same spots the same time of year and it was a ghost town. I think I put more hours in last season than the previous three combined and only saw one bear, killing zero. I am itching to get out again this year and get a little redemption.
I've found the best way to find them is make sure I do NOT have a tag or rifle with me. As long as I do that I see them everywhere, all the time.
I've found the best way to find them is make sure I do NOT have a tag or rifle with me. As long as I do that I see them everywhere, all the time.
I agree completely. I made a similar response in the “How to Find Big Mule Deer in the Timber” thread. I don’t know how the animals know you don’t have a tag, but they do and they like to spite you.
I don't know what I'm going to try yet, lol, but yes likely lots of glassing for starters. Possibly do some calling as last ditch effort. I'm really hoping to connect with a bow, but may resort to a rifle by season end. I'll gladly take any advice you can give though.

I may even make a quick run over to Idaho this spring just to try it out, so all this information is gold to me.
Calling always seemed like a wild adventure! Has anyone on this thread called successfully before?
Sometimes when you see a bear far away it’s better to watch and set up closer next time your out. Especially early season they tend to be easier to pattern.
I’ve chased a bear two miles away, twice... Only to look back to where I was glassing from and see a bear that popped out closer.
Seeing too many bears is a good problem to have lol. I've always thought it would be handy to have a hunting partner who could set up on the other side of a canyon and glass back your way. That way you could help each other if you spotted a bear too far away for you, but possibly near them. Sounds like it might work, in theory...
This will be my first year bear hunting ever as a newer Montana Resident. This thread has been great. I'm spending a ton of time E-scouting and watching the snow melt on the mountains around the house.

Can't wait.