Texas Flooding


Aug 9, 2016
Lafayette, LA
Members of the "Cajun Navy" deployed in Houston to assist. These volunteers have experience with their shallow-water-drive boats and air boats at doing this rescue/recovery stuff. Many have worked with Game & Fish on several occasions to provide a valuable service.

Sadly, it was reported some members took fire from a local group of looters! WTF? Heard something about some criminal minded types who attempted to, or wanted to take over there boats. The report said they are now being redeployed in another area. Reminds me too much of New Orleans during Katrina. The helicopter rescue crews also took fire while trying to save people. Certainly not typical behavior, as most of the residents were very happy to be transported out of danger. Pissed off that this kind of shit happens at a time when people need to come together.


LA Griz,
Several, if not all of those stories have been debunked. I was there all day on Monday pulling people out in a lower middle class neighborhood and every single person we encountered was grateful and scared. The only unpleasant person I met all day was a sheriffs deputy that was apparently aggravated because he didn’t know how to drive a boat. I don’t know why people post false crap like that on the internet (not you, but whoever started it), but it bothers me to no end. It isn’t helpful, and if anything these people need help.

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Jun 30, 2017
I live 100 miles south of Houston and Friday night was a rough ride. The wind made noises I didn't know it could make. There are several towns below us that are blown to nothing. But seeing everyone helping each other makes you proud to be a Texan.

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Aug 12, 2017
Life is slowly returning back to normal. I don't know what is more tough the experiences I've had being in the SHIT for the past week, missing opening day dove, or the pictures of all the successful elk and mule deer hunts out West.

Here are the Cliff Notes for my family and community:
*90% of homes flooded, I was in the lucky 10%
*I got a bad case of poison ivy running a chainsaw on Monday pre Harvey trying to divert draining water away from my neighbors and I. Good news it worked bad news I was miserable being on an island from Monday to Saturday without the needed medication and steroid shot.
*53.60 INCHES of Rain in 4 days
*Sheet rock dust in poison ivy sucks
*Diet and Energy levels were zapped
*Mosquitoes and Looters are coming
*Healing, Optimistic, and preparing for Round 2 of mother nature's fury in Montana